Cassie Womack

Photo of Cassie Womack
Knox College
Baking, Cocktails, Food Anthropology
  • Cassie enjoys crafting elaborate cocktails for friends and family, whether she's mixing creative concoctions or perfecting old standards.
  • An experienced baker, she's down to tackle any project, from vegan croissants to tiramisu.
  • Growing up, Cassie volunteered at a local county fair, where she helped judge canning and baked goods.


Cassie learned to cook by shadowing her mother and grandmother in the kitchen. After graduating college, she began her writing career as a copywriter for a cookware company. There, she wrote blog posts, how-tos, and chef profiles — and realized her affinity for food writing. She's gone on to pursue a career as a freelance food writer and corporate copywriter. Cassie keeps her refrigerator's dedicated "butter drawer" fully stocked with a wide selection, ready to be turned into an emergency batch of cookies or gougeres at a moment's notice.


Cassie graduated from Knox College in 2019, where she majored in Creative Writing and minored in Anthropology. During her time at Knox, she wrote for the college's newspaper and literary magazine.

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Stories By Cassie Womack