Last Call: What's Your Go-To Airplane Drink Order?

Does anyone, anywhere, at any time, drink cranberry-raspberry juice when they're not at 30,000 feet? Cran-raspberry is a staple of airplane drink carts, and my fellow travelers often seem excited to spot it on the beverage card conveniently located in their seatback pocket. It's a delicious juice; it's just that air travel seems to be the one occasion for which everyone waits to indulge in it. Last week, on a two-hour flight that landed early, the passenger beside me ordered three Baileys Irish Cream coffees in a row. I could be wrong, but I doubt this person orders three Baileys coffees in one sitting in any other food service context.

There are a lot of reasons our drink orders up in the air might not mirror our drink orders in everyday life. Maybe it's the availability of more variety than you'd ever stock in your own fridge. Maybe you want to get your money's worth on the airfare and maximize the free options available. Maybe we figure air travel is such a parade of inconveniences that we more than deserve a little treat to perk us up. Maybe the change in air pressure gets us extra mileage out of our 1.7 ounces of Jameson, increasing loopiness or relaxation. Or maybe we're thinking about what pairs best with the driest bag of pretzels humanly possible.

My forbidden fruit on airplanes is Diet Dr. Pepper. In the desiccated recirculated cabin air, it tastes extra delicious and indulgent. Do you have an airplane beverage cart game plan? And do you ever ring the call button for extras? (Our only suggestion: hold the ice.)
