79-Year-Old Cake Found In German WWII Rubble Still Looks Delicious
The WWII Bombing Raid cake is thought to have been charred in March 1942.
A little scorched piece of history was recently discovered by archaeologists in Germany: a blackened cake destroyed by WWII bombings. The charred dessert was discovered at a dig site in Lübeck, Germany, reports Smithsonian Magazine. It looks like the sort of thing that might give you superpowers if you ate it. Historical food for thought.
Although it mostly looks like a big charcoal briquette, you can still see some swirls of frosting to prove this thing was at one time a decorated cake. Archaeologists note the cake was reduced to this state in a March 1942 British bombing raid; it was found in the basement of a home that collapsed after the attack. The hazelnut-and-almond cake has discernible nut filling and was covered by a sheet of wax paper.
Manfred Schneider, head of Lübeck's archaeology department, explains that the rubble of the building formed a cavity that protected the cake, keeping it from being melted or crushed. Researchers believe the cake was made for a Palm Sunday celebration since the bombing occurred the night of Saturday, March 28, and the early morning hours of the Sunday holiday.
To continue preserving this historical dessert, experts will have to ensure it doesn't still contain traces of phosphorus and other chemicals used in bombs of that time period. Here is where the possibility of a superhero origin story starts to take over in mind: Imagine the irresponsible child of one of these conservators steals a little piece of the cake on a dare from their friends. They take one little bite and... instant comic book character. Marvel execs, if you're out there, I've got plenty more ideas where that came from.