Calling All Bakers: The Takeout Is Holding A Holiday Cookie Contest [Updated]

Update, December 3, 2020: Only 33 hours left to submit to The Takeout's 2020 holiday cookie contest! Consider this your extra nudge and/or encouraging clap on the back. Recipes can be sent to with the subject line "Holiday Cookie Contest." Winners to be announced mid-December. Best of luck to one and all!

Original post, November 30, 2020: Hey, you! Do you own a spoon? Maybe some type of bowl? An appliance that produces some manner of heat? Then guess what: you're a baker in the making, and we want to see what kind of fabulous creations are crawling around your brains. That's why The Takeout is announcing its 2020 Holiday Cookie Contest, open for all readers to enter!

We want to read your original cookie recipe, whether it's one you've used thousands of times or is something brand new you've whipped up in this year of nonstop kitchen creativity. We don't want to see the recipe off the back of the chocolate chip bag, people. We want to see something you've invented yourself, or at least a tried-and-true recipe that you've put your own original spin on that's worth sharing with the masses.

Here's how it works: We'll be accepting submissions from now until Friday, December 4. Our team will evaluate the recipes, testing out the most intriguing and original ones, and we'll announce a winner in mid-December. Winner receives not only bragging rights valid for one (1) year, but also a small prize! Wow!

TO ENTER: Email your recipe to with the subject line "Holiday Cookie Contest." Share a few words about where the recipe came from and why you like it. If you have a photo of the finished product, all the better! We want the full story of your cookie. Submit by Friday, December 4 at 11:59pm Central. We look forward to learning more about you through the media of butter and sugar.
