Last Call: Fruit Jesus Is The Prophet We Need Right Now

Fruit Jesus has risen! That would be Konstantin Kosov, described by Eater SF as "a long-bearded and free-spirited fruit prophet, known for bicycling around to the various farmers' markets in San Francisco, loading up a thousand pounds of fresh produce on his trailer, and delivering the fruits of this labor to about 80 offices downtown."

Since all the offices in downtown San Francisco have shut down, Kosov has started doing home deliveries. This is a more complicated procedure since customers' homes are more scattered. Kosov has recruited helpers and started using a van. This may be why he told Eater that "I'm actually exiting the Jesus stage of life, and hoping to evolve into a Noah." Or maybe not. The thing about prophetic statements is that they are always open to interpretation.

Fruit Jesus is not the only person who is bringing joy to his city. The Chicago Tribune ran a story the other day about a teenage girl who has been leaving rocks painted with inspirational messages in yards on her street. I have seen lots of chalk messages and drawings and found art projects on my own daily walks. How is your town cheering you up during this time of isolation?
