Minnesota Restaurant Swears Its Burger Will Induce Labor

I've never been pregnant, but I've been told that the last few weeks are so excruciating that you've lost all fear of the pain of childbirth and just want to get it over already. The Suburban, a restaurant in Excelsior, Minnesota, a suburb of Minneapolis, has promised to offer relief with a burger called the Labor Inducer.

The Labor Inducer was not originally intended as a labor inducer. But last April, the chef, Enrique, was experimenting with his entry for the Twin Cities Burger Battle and served his entry to Kelsey Quarberg, one of the restaurant's co-owners who was nine days away from the due date of her first child. The burger contained angus beef patty, honey-cured bacon, peach caramelized onions, spicy mustard and Cajun remoulade on a pretzel bun, and Quarberg liked the sample so much, she asked Enrique to make her a full-sized one. Seven hours later, her sister and co-owner Ashley Berset told Fox News, she went into labor.

This, Berset decided, was far more significant than the burger taking third place in the Burger Battle, so it went on the menu as the Labor Inducer. In early September, another woman decided to order one on her due date and lo and behold! she went into labor right at midnight.

Now, Berset tells Fox News, between one and three desperate pregnant women come to the Suburban every day to order this magical burger. None of them have had any success yet, at least that Berset knows of, but when you've been carrying something around inside you for nine months, anything is worth a try. Plus, if it works, this is the last burger most of these women will be eating out in relative peace and quiet for a very long time.

(According to What to Expect, there are no foods that have been scientifically proven to induce labor, even burgers or pizza. But if pregnant women have made it that far, they should be allowed to eat whatever the hell they want.)
