Terrible Grocery Store Parker Gets Karmic Reward

Those who exact cold, hard justice on bad parkers are the are the sort of everyday heroes that deserve our praise and admiration. That is why today we celebrate the staff of Argentinian supermarket Coto de Temperley, who have not let one of the most egregious feats of terrible parking go unpunished.

The Pequot 208—a sensible family hatchback that could more than easily fit into literally every legal spot—was spotted in the area of the parking garage meant for shopping carts. Customer Angelo Angelini posted his photos of this absolute masterpiece of parking payback to Facebook, where it has been shared more than 7,000 times thus far (and counting!).

Due to the usage of slang we, with our staff of zero Argentinians, are unable to adequately translate the Spanish here, but we hope what Angelini has written is something to the tune of: "Sucks to be you, idiot."
