Burger King Gifts Dog With Terminal Cancer Free Burgers For Life And Now I'm Verklempt

Do you have a box of tissues nearby? Go get one, I'll wait.

Okay, ready? What follows is the story of Cody, a 10-year-old Boxer-Labrador mix who was recently diagnosed with terminal cancer and given just a few months to live.

Yep, grab that tissue. Good, okay.

So, Cody's owners have been feeding him a plain Burger King cheeseburger every day with his medications, hoping to make his last days a little brighter. Recently, a drive-thru employee at the owners' local BK in Toledo, Ohio, asked about the plain burger order. According to this goddamn heartwarming tweet detailing the story, when Cody's owners explained the dog's story, management at that Burger King location said they'd happily give Cody a free plain cheeseburger every day for the remainder of his tail-wagging, butt-sniffing life.

Here's another tissue.

Even Burger King's corporate Twitter account noticed Cody's story, saying "the world needs more kindness and empathy" and thanking the family for allowing the burger chain to help Cody out with some free food.

While we're all in such a spirit of goodwill, I'd like to thank you, wonderful Takeout readers, who make it possible for me to have a job that involves reporting on the combination of sweet dogs and free cheeseburgers. I'm grateful for all of you.
