Last Call: Join Us In Looking At Dogs On The Internet

I’ve Pet That Dog

Remember when Twitter used to be fun? Now it's a horrible, raging, flaming dumpster fire, so the fun of following random accounts is a dim memory most days. So I'm really thrilled with my most recent follow, I've Pet That Dog. Gideon is a 9-year-old boy who takes pictures with the dogs that he stops to pet—276 as of this writing. And all of them are straight up adorable. Godspeed, Gideon. May you never run out of new dogs to pet, and thanks for giving me something to look forward to on Twitter. [Gwen Ihnat]

Cabin porn

When I need a moment of Zen, I turn to trusty calming photo blog, Cabin Porn. (There's a coffee-table book now, too.) These gorgeous cabins range from tucked-away sheds to lavish near-mansions, but they're all rustic and quiet and wanderlust-inspiring. Is it Memorial Day weekend yet? [Kate Bernot]
