Prince Sure Loved Häagen-Dazs And 5-Hour Energy Drinks

The Minneapolis Star-Tribune has covered the Prince death investigation with vigor, even devoting an entire online section to the iconic singer, who died two years ago Saturday (It's been two years? Holy shit!)

One story caught The Takeout's interest: The Strib pulled together 10 curious facts uncovered during the investigation. It's a fascinating bric-a-brac of details that showed this purple glam genius from outer space was, indeed, just like one of us normals

Prince's fridge, at the time of his death, was filled with Häagen-Dazs (at least eight cartons, including chocolate and strawberry), a shelf full of Aquafina bottled water, organic eggs, mozzarella, deli salads. We learn that Prince had a thing for 5-Hour Energy Drinks.

Learning this sent us down a rabbit hole of Prince and his eating habits. This story published just after Prince's death from City Pages revealed that his last meal, according to his personal chefs, was roasted red pepper bisque and kale salad. And despite rumors that Prince was a vegan, his chefs said (and as evidenced by the fridge) that he was actually a vegetarian. We learn that mushrooms, meats, and feta cheese were among a long list of foods Prince didn't want cooked for him.

Surprisingly, it's not the first time the public has seen a glimpse of Prince's fridge. In 2011, Heavy Table was granted access into his Minnesota home to see what foods and drinks he kept. A photographer was not allowed, so the site brought an illustrator. What we found out then: The man loved Dunk-a-roos, kept 18 varieties of mustard, a gallon of maple syrup, and yak milk.

Rest in power, celestial snacker.
