The One Ingredient That Will Transform Basic Boxed Brownies
Boxed brownies are a quick and easy fix for bake sales, children's birthday parties, or dessert cravings. They deliver taste without taking too much effort. If you're feeling a bit bored with your boxed brownies, however, there's a quick and effective way to make them tastier and more exciting — just add coffee.
All you have to do is follow the exact recipe given in the brownie box, except that you add the equivalent amount of coffee instead of the usual water. This simple swap will keep your brownies moist while giving them a bit more flavor. You can use any type of black coffee, but you don't necessarily need to brew a fresh cup only to bake the brownies, especially if you like to drink high-quality coffee and it seems like a waste. Instead, you can use instant coffee, which is better for baking than drinking anyway. Or, if you have some left over from the morning, this is a great way to use it and not let it go to waste. You can also use decaff if you'd rather not have the caffeine.
Keep in mind that the coffee should be at room temperature for the best results — although you may get more of a chocolate-rich flavor by adding it hot. Once served, you can keep adding flavor to your brownies with toppings like ice cream, raspberries, or sugar powder.
Why coffee works with boxed brownies
Adding coffee to your brownies isn't just an excuse to up your daily caffeine intake. Coffee is great at enhancing flavors like chocolate, and can provide a hint of contrast that's a treat to our taste buds. At the same time, the ingredient can complement flavors like vanilla if you're making blondies instead. But don't worry about coffee overpowering the rest of the flavors. Because you won't be using too much of the liquid, it'll help the flavors that you want without taking over or making your brownies taste like coffee. (Although, if we're honest, coffee-flavored brownies sound like they would be amazing.)
Of course, how efficient this trick is also depends on the brownie mix that you buy. We've ranked several to help you decide which store-bought boxed brownies are the best. Choosing a good brand, even if it costs a bit more, will guarantee that your brownies actually taste chocolatey instead of tasting like sugar with a hint of chocolate.
You can also add instant coffee to make the best chocolate cake, as well as brownies. But if you can't or don't want to use coffee, there are other ways to give your brownies a boost. One of our favorites is using baby food to elevate boxed brownies – and yes, we're absolutely serious. Alternatively, add some fresh berries or fruit jam.