Greek Yogurt Vs Skyr: Here's The Difference
Choosing a yogurt has become as overwhelming as wandering down the cereal aisle with a six-year-old. The choices are endless, and we don't just mean the choice of flavors. The number of yogurt varieties that are now available has grown tremendously, and seem to come from all over the globe.
At its most basic, yogurt is a thick, creamy dairy product that is made by fermenting milk with specific strains of bacteria. The milk is first heated so curds don't form, and then the live cultures are added, which ultimately produce lactic acid, giving yogurt its signature tang. But how it's treated from here differentiates the many regional varieties, such as Greek yogurt and skyr.
I've been eating Greek-style yogurt for a very long time. I love the thick texture and the pleasant tanginess. The first time I saw skyr yogurt in the grocery store, I didn't think much of it. I only tried it last year, but I was surprised how much I loved it. It was thick, like Greek yogurt, but with a milder, less sour flavor. The fact that it was flavored with lingonberries probably added to the appeal. Now, for the first time, when I go grocery shopping and want yogurt, I have a decision to make.
Although the two yogurts share some similar traits, there is one element about skyr that sets it apart from Greek yogurt as well as all of the other yogurt styles (French, Bulgarian, Australian, etc.): Skyr is technically a cheese.
What is Greek yogurt?
The Greek yogurts found in the store don't necessarily come from the ancient Mediterranean country. The "Greek" part of the name refers to the style rather than the country of origin. This style of yogurt is made by taking traditional yogurt and straining it, so that the liquid and whey are removed. The resulting solids are thicker, giving Greek yogurt its rich, signature texture. In the country of Greece, this type of yogurt is called straggisto, and it's used in a lot of savory, fresh dishes. For example, it is used as a spread, as a condiment for meat and vegetable dishes, and is a vital ingredient in making tzatziki sauce. (Fun fact: Tzatziki makes an excellent coleslaw dressing.)
Yogurt in Greece may be made from cow, sheep, or goat milk, and it has been enjoyed in the country for a long time — since the 5th century B.C., to be exact — but historians believe the process of making and straining yogurt originated in the Middle East. In this region of the world, you're more likely to find labneh, a very thick type of yogurt that is often drizzled with olive oil and topped with spices or vegetables. Greek yogurt transitions from savory foods to sweet ones seamlessly. You can make mock puddings, cheesecakes, bundt cakes, quick breads, and, of course, these frozen yogurt fruit clusters.
What is Skyr?
Skyr yogurt is thought to have originated in Iceland over one thousand years ago. In fact, At the National Museum of Iceland, visitors can see Viking age jars with fossilized skyr inside. Unlike other types of yogurts, skyr is traditionally made using skim milk. When the live bacteria cultures are added to the milk, rennet is also added — which is why skyr is considered a cheese product. (Rennet is a collection of enzymes typically used in cheese-making that causes milk to separate and curdle.) Skyr is even thicker than Greek style yogurt because it's strained four times, but is noticeably less tangy, which makes it very pleasant to eat — certainly more pleasant another Icelandic specialty, hákarl, a shark meat dish Anthony Bourdain once tried and vowed to never eat again.
Although it tastes and feels rich and luxurious, skyr is generally less caloric than Greek yogurt since it's made with skim milk. Like Greek yogurt, skyr is full of protein, so it makes an excellent addition to breakfast if you're trying to feel full for longer. You can dollop it on top of pancakes (or put it in the batter), make rich smoothies, or stir it into your overnight oats. As far as savory recipes go, use it in place of mayonnaise in chicken or tuna salad, make your pastas creamy by adding in a spoonful, or put it in your mac and cheese. After all, it is a cheese, too.