The Freezer Storage Mistake You're Probably Making With Ground Beef

The U.S. Department of Agriculture has some beef to clear up with consumers. Contrary to popular belief, there is a right way — and a wrong way — to store and freeze raw meat, even ground beef. If stored properly, ground beef will stay fresh in the freezer for up to four months per the USDA health and safety recommendations.

To avoid mistakes like freezer burn and prevent the meat from going bad, you should take the ground beef out of its original packaging and seal it in a freezer-safe film, foil, or air-tight freezer bag. Another detail worth noting: Ground beef doesn't need to be rinsed before freezing or cooking, so there's no need to run it under cold water before tucking it away to store. Be sure to write a date on the packaging so that you know how long the ground beef has been in the freezer and remember to clean your freezer out and check these dates every few months.

How to safely thaw ground beef

On the flip side, thawing ground beef safely is just as important as freezing it, and there are three USDA-approved ways to go about this. First, you can take the beef out of its protective wrapping or freezer bag and place it in the fridge to thaw, preferably in an air-tight container. This method takes about 24 hours, so you'll want to plan ahead. 

If you need ground beef to thaw more quickly, fill up a bowl with cold water, and place the ground beef (still in its wrapping or freezer bag) into it. Check it every 30 minutes and change the water each time, making sure no water is coming into contact with the meat. Smaller amounts of ground beef — about a pound or less — should be ready to use in about 60 minutes. Larger portions will take several hours, depending on how much meat you're thawing.

The quickest method for thawing ground beef is to defrost it in the microwave. Use the "defrost" button to punch in the weight of the beef, and the microwave will handle the rest. Flip the meat over about halfway through the timed defrost. Once ground beef is at room temperature, you'll need to cook it promptly to prevent bacteria growth, which can occur when air touches the beef. This means that, as soon as you're done, you'll be ready to grill up a batch of juicy burgers straightaway.
