13 Costco Kirkland Signature Food And Drink Products That Are Overrated, According To Customer Reviews
If you have a membership to Costco or have ever gone with someone who has a membership then you know that the wholesaler has just about everything; groceries, clothes, electronics, appliances, furniture, and even car parts. If you're lucky you can even knock out everything on your to do list in one place.
In addition to having a wide range of products for shoppers to choose from, the company also has a variety of brands that it offers including its own called Kirkland Signature. The private label was introduced in 1995 after Jim Sinegal, Costco's co-founder and CEO at the time, decided to put all the private brand names that Costco was selling under one name. This means that the white, black, and red logo that the Kirkland brand is known for was put on everything from batteries to diapers to cleaning products and even food items. With so many items under the brand there are obviously some Costco products that aren't worth the price and some that have become shoppers' go-tos. There are also items that have mixed reviews, that some customers love but others think are simply glorified. To inform you of what those items are and help decide if you want to take a chance buying them or not, we have compiled a list of 13 Kirkland Signature food and drink products that based off of reviews some members believe are overrated.
Kirkland Signature Oven Roasted Turkey Breast, Sliced
The Sliced Oven Roasted Turkey Breast from Kirkland received conflicting responses from members. The deli meat comes with three 14-ounce resealable packages and are gluten free, 98 percent fat free, and have no added nitrates.
While one patron on Reddit said that they love the turkey and eat it everyday, the lunch meat still popped up under a thread titled "Kirkland products to avoid?" The member who listed it under the Reddit post stated that the lunch meat is "impossible" to get a full slice of without ripping. A different customer stated that the deli turkey is quick to become slimy. Another shopper took to Reddit to share their displeasure with the Kirkland turkey, adding that the three-pack has the texture and taste of spongy bad deli meat. Under the same thread a reviewer agreed that three-pack is "no good" going on to say that it has a sour taste attributing it to vinegar and lemon juice listed in the ingredients. One redditor tried to help others by encouraging them to purchase the unsliced turkey as they said not only is it cheaper but it also stores better and lasts longer.
Kirkland Signature Hard Seltzer Variety
In 2020, Costco launched its Kirkland Signature Hard Seltzer which are 12 fluid ounces and come in a 24-count variety pack of four different flavors; mango, grapefruit, black cherry, and lime. Some members have called them comparable to White Claws, but who actually makes the Kirkland brand hard seltzers? Patco Brands — based out Sausalito, California — is the manufacturer who partnered with Costco to create the beverage, it has also collaborated with other grocers like Walmart, Kroger, Publix, and Safeway.
A redditor shared that his wife loves the seltzers as they aren't overly sugary like others and have a good balance of flavors. Other members in a Reddit thread titled "Opinions on Kirkland Hard Seltzer?" called the alcoholic drink a great deal and one even dubbed the flavor as better than the Truly Hard Seltzer. Meanwhile, another shopper under the same thread said they waited six months for the seltzers and that it was "a hard no" for them, adding that they would only purchase them for group gatherings. A different reviewer simply called the seltzers "meh" describing them as club soda with the dull taste of alcohol and whichever fruit it is supposed to taste like. Other customers under a different Reddit post highlighted the black cherry flavor as tasting like cough syrup and one even emphasized that they "can't stand" the seltzers.
Kirkland Signature Spiced Rum
Alcoholic products from the Costco brand definitely seem to be hit or miss. In fact, one of the biggest Kirkland Signature flops in Costco History was the original version of its spiced rum which was revamped in early 2024 when the grocer picked a new distiller.
However, while Kirkland's new version of spiced rum — which has an ABV of 40 percent and is 60 proof — isn't necessarily a flop it isn't a raging success either. Under a Reddit thread talking about the return of the spiced rum, one customer stated that the liquor was pretty good for rum and cokes. In fact, there were multiple people on Reddit who said that they enjoy it in mixed drinks and even one who said they will drink it over ice. However, a different member in a Reddit post called it a "drain pour." There was even a reviewer in that thread who said the rum reminded them of bubble gum and had a different customer respond to them agreeing, noting was so awful that they couldn't even choke it down. One shopper on Reddit disliked it so much they compared it to "cinnamon hairspray." It was even called "probably the worst rum I've ever tasted" by a poster on Reddit, whose shelf it is collecting dust on.
Kirkland Signature Rotisserie Chicken
This product might be the most controversial on the list as Costco's rotisserie chicken is infamous. Whether customers are picking it up to be an easy dinner or as an ingredient for easy weeknight meal ideas, the rotisserie chicken is something that Costco is known for.
Despite that there are still members who think the poultry item just simply isn't worth the hype. One redditor stated that to them the chicken now tastes like chemicals which they compared to "finding out your favorite relative is a serial killer" as they used to love the product. Another customer responded saying that they had experienced the same thing in the past but that the most recent rotisserie chickens they got were better. However, while we are sure that both those patrons and Costco were hoping it was fluke it doesn't appear to be as another shopper on Reddit complained that the chicken has a "nasty chicken egg flavor," doesn't have enough seasoning, and is consistently dry. Under the same thread a different reviewer also complained about the chicken being too salty and had another consumer agree with them, adding that salt and grease is all they taste.
Kirkland Signature Pepperoni Pizza
Much to the dismay of some of its members Costco will probably never deliver pizza especially since it is more profitable for the wholesaler when customers come to the store. Although different from its food court pizza Costco does sell a Kirkland Signature Pepperoni Pizza that has thin crust, comes in a pack of four, and claims to have 100 percent real cheese.
The frozen pizza, however, is not liked by as many members as Coostco's food court pizza is. In fact, one member disliked it so much that they created a Reddit post titled "Do not purchase Kirkland pepperoni pizza" where they called the pizza "abhorrent" stating that it was like eating an overcooked cracker that had cheese and oily pepperoni on top, encouraging other shoppers to save their money and space their refrigerator, and giving it a rating of three out of 10. A customer under the same thread said that they also wouldn't purchase the frozen pizza again after experiencing digestive issues after eating it, they ended up giving the pizza's taste a rating of six out of 10 but it's experience a two out of 10. However, there were multiple reviewers in the discussion that called the pizza great for the price and it being frozen, one even recommended adding slices of fresh tomatoes and basil to enhance it. Despite that, there are still those who think that the Kirkland Signature Pepperoni Pizza is overrated.
Kirkland Signature Organic Roasted Pine Nut Hummus
A few years ago at select locations Costco stopped selling Sabra Hummus leaving only its Kirkland Signature Organic Roasted Pine Nut Hummus which members have had mixed feelings about. The hummus comes in a 34-ounce tub and is kosher as well as gluten free.
One redditor under a post asking if anyone had tried the hummus called it "the best store-bought" hummus they've ever had. A different member in the same thread described it as being comparable to homemade hummus due to the ratio of garlic and tahini, another customer stated that they like it better than the Sabra brand and have it everyday for lunch. A poster in a different Reddit discussion agreed, calling the hummus the best tasting mass produced hummus they've had, adding that it has become a monthly purchase. Nevertheless, there are still Costco shoppers who are just not impressed. One member took to Reddit to complain about their local Costco replacing Sabra hummus — which they said they consumed by the gallon — with the Kirkland brand stating that it made them sad as to them the flavor isn't good. Another customer under that post concurred, emphasizing how much they hate the hummus, adding that the taste of it reminds them of mayo and the consistency is off. A separate shopper in the post explained that they stopped buying the hummus after buying not just one but multiple new packages that had mold in them which is definitely concerning and understandable why they might not think it's worth the price.
Kirkland Signature Protein Bars
The Kirkland Signature Protein Bars are another product that seem to be hit or miss with customers especially since it is one the 12 Costco items that customers return the most. The package comes with 20 protein bars in two different flavors, chocolate chip cookie dough and chocolate brownie, and are not only made with real chocolate but are gluten free and have kosher dairy.
There are Costco shoppers who swear by them with multiple postings to Reddit calling the protein bars great due to the taste and macros that they are getting for the price. Several of the reviews highlighted the cookie dough flavor as the best one that the protein bar comes in. Even so, for as many positive posts regarding the protein bars there were just as many if not more negative comments. One of the most common complaints from members on Reddit was about experiencing digestive issues after consuming the protein bars. Patrons on Reddit also criticized the bars' textures describing them as rubbery as well as very sandy with playdoh-like texture, with someone even likening them to slightly more edible erasers which doesn't necessarily sound the most appetizing.
Kirkland Signature Roasted Almonds
About a year ago members noticed that Costco decided to discontinue its Kirkland Signature Dry Roasted Salted Almonds, apparently due to a decline in sales over the past five years, and replace them with Kirkland Signature Roasted Almonds. The new almonds come in a 40-ounce bag, are kosher, and seasoned with sea salt.
Some members' responses to the change have been positive, one redditor stated that they very much enjoy the new almonds as the old ones "were so dry I would choke on them." Another reviewer on Reddit agreed, explaining that not only were the old ones too dry they were also somehow hard but not crunchy. Now while some people think the new nuts are a step up there are others who aren't as pleased. Customers under one Reddit thread were extremely displeased with the amount of oil used on the nuts stating they tasted like they're fried and left such a shiny residue on one patron's keyboard that they are unable to look directly at it. One shopper on Reddit was such a die hard fan of the old dry roasted almonds that they bought them for 10 years, adding that when they tried the new ones and found them so "mid" that they only managed to eat three before ultimately deciding to give them away.
Kirkland Signature Italian Sausage and Beef Lasagna
We all have those nights where we don't want to cook and just want to stick something in the oven, set a timer, and voila dinner is served. One of those easy meals that is a go-to for some Costco shoppers is the Kirkland Signature Italian Sausage and Beef Lasagna, which comes in a two pack of three pound trays.
In fact in a Reddit thread about the lasagna some members called it better than name brand ones like Stouffer's as it tastes less processed, one parent even stated that they stopped making their own lasagna because their son likes the Kirkland one more. A redditor who was recommending the lasagna to others described the sauce, choice meat, whole milk mozzarella, and ricotta as delicious, adding that they buy it all the time as it tops any other frozen lasagna. However, other customers who have tried it are not as impressed and thought essentially the complete opposite of the above reviews. One patron on Reddit who tried the lasagna described its taste as chemically fake as well as spicy, noting that they prefer the Stouffer's lasagna. Another customer who took to Reddit to share their experience described the lasagna as overly greasy and messy which we understand might not be the most appetizing.
Kirkland Signature Organic Salsa
The Kirkland Signature Organic Salsa, that has a medium spice level and comes in a two pack of 38-ounce container, is another Costco product where although it might be an unpopular opinion a number of customers find it overrated. There is even a Reddit post called "Kirkland signature salsa, just no" where the reviewer described the dip as watery and unappetizing due to it having a "dark" flavor and being extremely acidic, adding that they planned on returning it. Under the same thread there was another commenter who agreed and added that the salsa is an "acrid collection of overcooked vegetables" and is "the absolute worst salsa" that they ever had. In a different Reddit discussion about which Kirkland product to avoid, someone listed the salsa due to it not having any sweetness and too much cumin which they said left their mouth feeling slimy. The texture of the salsa also seems to be an issue as another customer in the same conversation described the dip's mouthfeel as wrong, noting that its flavor is also flat and not as tangy as it should be.
Despite that, there are still shoppers who enjoy the salsa. One redditor even claimed to have through 100+ jars of the salsa over the years using it in everything from chili to eggs or just for its intended use as chips and salsa. Other consumers in a Reddit thread said that the salsa is one of two brands that they buy and called it "WAY better than Tostitos salsa."
Kirkland Signature Organic Greek Nonfat Yogurt
The Kirkland Signature Organic Greek Nonfat Yogurt is unflavored and comes in a three pound tub. Multiple shoppers on Reddit talked about how they enjoy the flavor of the yogurt with one even saying that they eat it daily for lunch and recommending different ways to enhance it such as adding a scoop of protein, frozen fruit, and oats. Another customer keeps it simple by only adding a little cinnamon and some honey.
Still regardless of how many ways members have listed to enhance the yogurt there are still shoppers who won't touch it. One redditor even likened the taste of the Kirkland brand yogurt to "vomit," stating that they prefer the FAGE brand of greek yogurt. As a matter of fact that reviewer wasn't the only one who said that they prefer the FAGE yogurt to the Kirkland one, a different commentator on the Reddit post agreed stating they will always pay extra for that one and even like the Trader Joe's yogurt better than the Costco brand.
Kirkland Signature Colombian Cold Brew Coffee
The Kirkland Signature Colombian Cold Brew Coffee — which comes in a 12 count — is actually a Costco product that seems to be more disliked than liked with only the occasional fan of the caffeinated beverage. There was a redditor who said they drink it all the time but noted that the cold brew might be an acquired taste. A different poster on Reddit said that the price point of the cold brew is solid and noted that the drink is better when put over ice.
However, like we said those were some of few positive comments about the Costco cold brew. Under a Reddit thread titled "Disappointed with Kirkland cold brew" a customer described the drink as bitter, highly acidic, and tastes as if the coffee was boiled and then chilled, adding that they won't be purchasing it again. Another member on Reddit noted that the coffee has a sweet metallic flavor that made them wonder if there was lead in it and multiple people agreed with them, which is beyond concerning.
Kirkland Signature Organic Marinara from Tuscany
The Kirkland Signature Organic Marinara from Tuscany comes in a three pack and advertises to be made with 100 percent Italian ingredients including Tuscan extra virgin olive oil and fresh Tuscan Tomatoes. The sauce received mixed reviews from those who have tried it.
There were shoppers who liked it, one who took to Reddit called it "a great Kirkland product" adding that to them it was better than the very popular Rao's sauce. Another shopper posted to Reddit stating that the sauce is a great starter sauce to doctor and enhance, although admitting if someone was to use it as is it would be "pretty bland." However, someone else in the same discussion made the point that if they wanted to make their own sauce they would have. In a separate Reddit thread a customer described the sauce as acidic and very basil forward, noting that Rao's is the better overall sauce which multiple commenters in the same thread said as well.