Does A Head Of Beer Foam Actually Matter Or Is It All Just For Show?
The debate over how much head a beer should have is seemingly never ending. So is the debate about whether the head matters or not. To settle these questions once and for all, we consulted Paul Fillis, Head Brewer at Fonthill Brewing Company. He says, "It is often down to personal preference." That said, he explains that "the head on the top of a beer can enhance the flavour. It will effectively open up all the flavour as the beer comes through the head and keep the beer fresh below." He elaborates, "imagine it like a foamy beer blanket keeping the drink below swaddled in a pile of bubbles. The aroma is trapped below so as the head breaks the hop aroma should come through."
Basically, yes, the beer foam does definitely matter, and, no, it's not just there because it looks better. However, not all beers should have the same amount of head. Fillis states that "a large head is down to the style, venue, choice, country, and myriad other factors." Speaking of the beers at The George (the pub where Fonthill Brewing Company is located), he says, "Some of our guest beers will naturally have a larger head ... whilst our larger selection is petty clean and crisp [with] minimal head."
Is a head of beer foam a sign of good quality?
It's easy to assume that a large head can mean that the beer and pour are good, but Paul Fillis points out that this isn't necessarily the case: "The head on a beer can, and I stress, can be an indicator of the quality of the beer ... but head is not a direct indicator of quality." For instance, sour beers typically don't have head. But if you know a beer should have head, then pay attention to whether it's present. A lack of beer foam in this scenario may indicate poor cleanliness. "Any beer should be able to be poured into any glass, [and] achieve and maintain a head throughout the pint. But if there is any detergent or grease in the glass (doesn't have to be much!) it will knock the proteins out and that hard worked foam will be lost," Fillis notes.
In summary, beer foam is an important factor for beer. It enhances the flavors of certain beers, and can indicate that the bartender knows what they're doing (and that your glass is clean). This is why it's worth learning how to pour beer the right way. Still, it's important to remember that no rule is universal. For instance, there are beers that are best served warm. Your best bet is to learn the specifics of your favorite beers, so that you know how they should be poured and how much head they should have — if any at all.