Try One Costco Self-Checkout Trick And You Could Get Banned

Costco has always been strict about its membership rules, but with the advent of self-checkout, it's gotten a little easier for non-members to slip through the cracks. Before, employees could easily verify membership cards when you had to check out at a staffed register. But with self-checkout, it's a whole different story, and people have taken full advantage of the loophole. They're using borrowed cards to shop without actually paying for a membership.

Now, Costco has spoken, and they said, "We ain't havin' it!" Add this move to the list of how to get kicked out of Costco. Reports from Reddit and other sources say stores are putting up new signs reminding shoppers that only paid members can make purchases. And if you get caught trying to finesse your way through, you could be permanently banned from shopping there. They don't mess around when it comes to policy enforcement, especially with something as big as membership fraud. 

They're standing on business, y'all. The signs everywhere aren't just a friendly reminder; Costco is actively enforcing it. Some shoppers have even been caught mid-transaction and asked to provide I.D. that matches the name on the card. If your card doesn't match, you're not just getting denied the purchase; you could lose access to Costco altogether.

Some people might think it's no big deal. After all, what's the harm in borrowing a membership card for a quick purchase? For Costco, it's about keeping their business model intact. Membership fees are a huge part of their revenue, and if too many people bypass the system, it cuts into their bottom line. That's why they're not just discouraging card-sharing at self-checkout — you will get penalized severely. So, if you've considered sneaking in on someone else's card, you might want to rethink that strategy.

How to share a Costco membership without getting banned

Just because Costco is cracking down on card sharing doesn't mean you can't legally share a membership. There's a right way to do it that won't get you booted from the store. If you live with someone with a Costco membership, they can add one household member for free. That means you get your own card with your name on it — no sneaky self-checkout maneuvers required!

If you don't live with a member, you can always tag along on their shopping trip since Costco allows cardholders to bring up to two guests per visit. The only catch is that the member is the only person allowed to actually pay at checkout, so you'll need to Venmo them later.

Another option is getting a Costco Shop Card (aka a gift card). Anyone can use one, even non-members, and it lets you shop at Costco without breaking the rules. The downside to this is that a member has to buy the card for you, but once you have it, you can use it just like cash at checkout.

Costco isn't trying to be the fun police, but they do take membership seriously. There are a few ways that you can shop without a membership card, and if you play by the rules, you'll never have to worry about getting stopped at self-checkout — or worse, losing access to those bulk-size deals for good.
