Grocery Store Bacon Brands, Ranked Worst To Best
To all you bacon fans, this one's for you. Finding good bacon can be tough these days. From bacon pieces composed of chewy fat to slices that burn away into charred nothings, it can be difficult to stumble upon bacon that yields the perfect slice.
As a die-hard bacon fan, I was eager to determine whether the perfect bacon brand actually exists. I've sampled many bacon brands in the past but had yet to find one that truly suits my taste buds — until now. Sampling each grocery store bacon brand side-by-side has allowed me to put each slice to the test to see which is truly worth your dime. In this piece, I'll be evaluating factors that include texture, fat-to-meat ratio, crispiness, flavor, and nutrition to help you choose your next bacon buy with ease.
It's time to bring home the bacon! Join me on a sizzling quest as I search for the grocery store brand that truly cracks the code of porky perfection.
12. Kroger Hardwood Smoked Sliced Bacon
My first thought when opening Kroger Hardwood Smoked Sliced Bacon was, ugh, what is this? The brand is sold in Kroger-owned stores, which is why I was able to snag it at my local Pick 'n Save. It's priced at $5.49 per 16-ounce package, making it one of the more affordable bacon options on our rank list. Expect 80 calories, 27 grams of fat, 20 milligrams of cholesterol, and 310 milligrams of sodium per two fried bacon pieces.
Now, back to my previous statement; I knew Kroger Hardwood Smoked Sliced Bacon would be trouble as soon as I laid eyes on it. Granted, its appearance through the packaging looked fine enough, but once I opened the plastic, things were off. The first strip I grabbed was so stringy I could barely put it on my baking sheet without dropping it. Thinking it was a fluke, I reached for the next slice, only to experience the same thing. The raw slices were oddly small, seemed haphazardly sliced, and had weird portions of meat dangling off the ends.
Once cooked, the bacon pieces pretty much shriveled into fried nothing when compared to other bacon brands. Not looking forward to what was ahead, I closed my eyes and took a bite. As expected, I was disappointed. The burnt pieces tasted, well, burnt, and the rest was flavorless. Needless to say, Kroger Hardwood Smoked Sliced Bacon is a bacon brand you should definitely skip.
11. Market Pantry Hardwood Smoked Classic Cut Bacon
Market Pantry Hardwood Smoked Classic Cut Bacon isn't as horrible of a pick as the previously mentioned Kroger-branded bacon option, but it isn't my favorite. It's sold at Target and comes in a 16-ounce pack for $4.99. Nutritionally speaking, expect Market Pantry Hardwood Smoked Classic Cut Bacon to have 80 calories, 7 grams of fat, 20 milligrams of cholesterol, and 260 milligrams of sodium per two fried bacon slices.
I wasn't sure what to expect when it came to Market Pantry Hardwood Smoked Classic Cut Bacon. I tend to like Target-branded grocery items (including its Good & Gather brand), but in this instance, I wasn't impressed. Basically, Target's Pantry bacon tastes like nothing. There's no depth of flavor or anything interesting that would make me want to pair it with my oil-basted crispy fried eggs. It did at least crisp up nicely in the oven, so if you really dig crispy bacon, you'll probably enjoy this bacon's texture. The strips, though thin, were also much wider than some of the other bacon brands.
To its credit, there were at least some meatier sections throughout these Target bacon strips that I rather enjoyed, as these segments were delightfully chewy. Even so, overall, because of its lack of flavor, Market Pantry Hardwood Smoked Classic Cut Bacon is not a bacon brand I'd consider purchasing again.
10. Hormel Black Label Original Bacon
I'm surprised to be ranking Hormel's Black Label Original Bacon so low, but it just goes to show how sampling bacon brands side-by-side can highlight strengths and weaknesses. I found Hormel's Black Label Original Bacon at Pick 'n Save for $7.49 for a 16-ounce pack. For two bacon slices, you'll get 100 calories, 8 grams of fat, 25 milligrams of cholesterol, and 370 milligrams of sodium.
Generally speaking, I've always found Hormel's bacon to be a decent option. The brand's original variety as sampled here has never been my absolute favorite, but its flavor and overall texture seemed well enough to justify the purchase. Boy, has my mind changed. Since sampling it alongside other strong contenders, I must say that these Hormel Black Label original slices aren't nearly as flavorful as I once perceived them. In fact, they taste like scorched slices despite the fact that they're nowhere near burnt. They taste cheap, like cooked fat with little to no enjoyable flavor.
As for the texture, the slices themselves are of medium thickness when raw. Once cooked, the strips were nice and crispy, which is probably the only aspect I enjoyed about the bacon. In general, I'd say Hormel's Black Label Original Bacon is a skip, especially considering that the bacon sits at a higher price point than some of the other better-tasting options.
9. Oscar Mayer Original Bacon 12-Hour Natural Wood Smoked
I had trouble ranking Oscar Mayer Original Bacon 12-Hour Natural Wood Smoked bacon since it features both good and bad qualities. I found this bacon option at Walmart for $7.48 for a 16-ounce package. Per two bacon slices, there are 90 calories, 7 grams of fat, 20 milligrams of cholesterol, and 350 milligrams of sodium.
Starting with the good, one thing I love about Oscar Mayer Original Bacon is its flavor. It's got a good amount of umami savor, causing it to stand out compared to others that taste neutral or like scorched fat. In terms of thickness, the strips were medium thick when raw and not as crispy as some of the other bacon brands once cooked. Still, if you aren't a stickler about crisp bacon, Oscar Mayer Original Bacon is a decent and flavorful option.
Now, onto the bad. I really, really hate the amount of fat in this bacon. The fat was unpleasantly chewy and so prevalent that it actually made me gag. I contemplated ranking Oscar Mayer Original Bacon lower simply based on this, but because the flavor was good, I went ahead and bumped it up to at least the middle of the pack. Still, because of the fat, you probably won't see me rushing to add this classic bacon brand to my grocery list.
8. Private Selection Hardwood Smoked Center Cut Bacon
Meh. When it comes to Private Selection Hardwood Smoked Center Cut Bacon, I could take it or leave it. This brand is Kroger-owned, and I found it at my local Pick 'n Save for $5.99 per 12-ounce pack. It contains 50 calories, 4 grams of fat, 15 milligrams of cholesterol, and 240 milligrams of sodium per two slices fried.
Let me start off by saying that Private Selection Hardwood Smoked Center Cut Bacon isn't a bad brand of bacon. It's the only center-cut bacon option on the list (yes, there's a difference between center-cut bacon and regular), but compared to the others, my overall opinion is that it is an average bacon grab.
The flavor is there; it's got the savory and salty bite you'd expect, unlike the drab and tasteless previously mentioned brands on the list. The bacon cooks up nice and crispy, and the texture of the fat is enjoyable. And though Private Selection Hardwood Smoked Center Cut Bacon looks the part (especially considering its center-cut characteristics that yield a nice, even bacon strip), its flavor simply didn't wow me compared to its competitors. So, if you happen to see this brand on sale at your local Kroger-owned store, I'd say go for it, particularly if you're looking to add bacon to your next batch of chocolate bark or another fun recipe. Otherwise, I'd say there are better options on the list for a similar price point.
7. Great Value Hickory Smoked Bacon
Though not the absolute best bacon brand on this list, I'm pleased with Great Value Hickory Smoked Bacon, especially considering its price tag. This bacon is sold at Walmart and comes with 12 ounces for $4.42. It contains 90 calories per two bacon slices, along with 7 grams of fat, 20 milligrams of cholesterol, and 360 milligrams of sodium.
Great Value Hickory Smoked Bacon is an all-around good general-purpose pick. It isn't too chewy, cooks up very crispy, and has a good flavor. With that said, I wouldn't say its taste is as robust as some of the other contenders ranked higher on this list; its flavor is on the lighter side without being non-existent. Even so, I think it's worth getting. It'd make a great option to use as bacon bits, as part of a BLT (which always benefits from super crispy bacon, by the way), or even to enjoy on its own. Not too bad.
6. Applegate Natural No Antibiotics Hickory Smoked No Sugar Uncured Pork Bacon
Applegate Natural No Antibiotics Hickory Smoked No Sugar Uncured Pork Bacon is an interesting bacon grab that has both pros and cons, landing it in the middle of the pile when it comes to grocery store bacon brands. As its name implies, this bacon is a natural option that doesn't contain many of the usual ingredients that other bacon brands do. I found it at Walmart for $6.82 per 9-ounce pack, and it comes with 70 calories, 5 grams of fat, 10 milligrams of cholesterol, and 310 milligrams of sodium, with no nitrites or nitrates, or sugar added. Its only ingredients include pork, water, sea salt, and cultured celery powder.
Opening the package, Applegate Natural Uncured Pork Bacon featured bacon strips of medium thickness. Once cooked, the ratio of fat to meat was balanced and worked well to enhance the texture. The fat wasn't too chewy but had a nice mouthfeel to it. The bacon strips cooked up crispy and, all in all, I found this bacon to be a decent pick. My main concern is the lack of depth in flavor. Though it wasn't completely flavorless, it didn't exude the salty and savory qualities that some of the higher-ranked bacon brands do. Thus, though I love Applegate's dedication to clean and minimal ingredients, I'm not particularly enticed by Applegate Natural No Antibiotics Hickory Smoked Uncured Pork Bacon's flavor, especially considering its high price point.
5. Wright Brand Hickory Real Wood Smoked Thick Cut Bacon
I've waited years to try Wright Brand Hickory Real Wood Smoked Thick Cut Bacon, and now was my chance; but somehow, it wasn't quite what I imagined. Wright Brand Hickory Real Wood Smoked Thick Cut Bacon can be found at Walmart for $9.98 per 24-ounce pack. It contains 80 calories, 7 grams of fat, 15 milligrams of cholesterol, and 250 milligrams of sodium per single slice of bacon.
I had seen several reviews in the past that really talked Wright Brand Hickory Real Wood Smoked Thick Cut Bacon up, and I went in with high expectations. As it turns out, this bacon is pretty good, but not the best bacon brand on the list. I loved its substantial cut and felt the ratio of meat to fat was well-balanced. Once cooked, the bacon was more chewy than crispy, but because of its thicker cut, that's to be expected. My only qualm is that it lacked a bit in the flavor department. That isn't to say this bacon has no flavor at all — but rather that it didn't veer much from other brands on the list. Thus, though certainly a cut above the rest in terms of thickness and overall quality, Wright Brand hickory bacon, surprisingly, isn't the best bacon brand out there.
4. Farmland Naturally Hickory Smoked Classic Cut Bacon
Farmland Naturally Hickory Smoked Classic Cut Bacon didn't look like anything special fresh out of the package, but looks can be deceiving! It's priced at $5.98 at my local Walmart for a 16-ounce pack, which is rather cheap compared to some of the other bacon brands ranked on this list. Farmland bacon contains 80 calories per two fried bacon slices, along with 7 grams of fat, 20 milligrams of cholesterol, and 260 milligrams of sodium.
As mentioned, I wasn't expecting much from this brand. It was a cheap option, and the slices were remarkably thin. I baked it up as normal and, because of its cut, wasn't surprised that the bacon became slightly overcooked just from its short stint in the oven. With that said, one thing I was surprised by was the flavor I got — Farmland Naturally Hickory Smoked Classic Cut Bacon is the real deal.
As you might expect, this thinly sliced bacon cooked up very crispy, but unlike many of the other thin and crispy bacon types, it didn't have the taste of scorched fat. Instead, it yielded an impeccably delicious salty and umami flavor, very similar to that of a hearty slice of ham. Because of its texture, taste, and low price point, Farmland Naturally Hickory Smoked Classic Cut Bacon would be a great option for tighter budgets.
3. Usinger's Applewood Smoked Bacon
I'm not quite sure that I've ever sampled bacon that was "melt-in-your-mouth" delicious, but I guess there's a first time for everything. I spotted Usinger's Applewood Smoked Bacon at my local Wisconsin Pick 'n Save priced at $7.99 per 12 ounce-bag. Per two slices fried, expect 90 calories, 8 grams of fat, 15 milligrams of cholesterol, and 350 milligrams of sodium.
Usinger's Applewood Smoked Bacon is such an interesting bacon choice for a variety of reasons. Its price point is reflected in its unique texture that's really unlike any other bacon choice on this list. The fat in the bacon melts in your mouth, and the meat itself is quite good. Oddly, the bacon strips are quite thick when raw, but when cooked, they turn thin and crispy. The flavor here isn't bad at all, and though it isn't the most delectable bacon on this list, it holds its own without emitting any off or generally unpleasant flavors. All in all, I would definitely consider purchasing Usinger's Applewood Smoked Bacon again, even despite its higher price point.
2. Sugardale Hickory Smoked Sliced Bacon
Sugardale Hickory Smoked Bacon is one of the best bacon brands out there with the perfect balance of salt and savory, which is why it ranks so high. It comes in a 16-ounce package for $6.99 at my local Pick 'n Save, along with 80 calories, 7 grams of fat, 10 milligrams of cholesterol, and 220 milligrams of sodium per two bacon sliced fried.
I was blown away by both the taste and texture of Sugardale Hickory Smoked Sliced Bacon. It had a burst of saltiness that mellowed into a savory umami flavor that delighted my tastebuds. This isn't the kind of bacon you want muddled with the flavors of a burger or turkey club; I recommend enjoying these slices on their own.
As far as texture goes, expect a meaty strip with a chewy consistency. I prefer my bacon on the thick and chewy side anyway, as opposed to thin and crispy, so this was right up my alley. Still, if you prefer bacon that has more melt-in-your-mouth properties because of the presence of fat, this might not be the pick for you. While there is enough fat to keep the bacon from becoming tough, Sugardale Hickory Smoked Sliced Bacon is more for lovers of substantial and meaty bacon pieces.
1. Hormel Natural Choice Original Uncured Bacon
Hormel Natural Choice Original Uncured Bacon is a bacon brand you'll always find stocked in my fridge for more reasons than one. It's sold in a 12-ounce package and goes for $7.49 at the time of publication at my local mart, making it a more expensive option than some of the others. Per two slices of fried bacon, expect to get 100 calories, 8 grams of fat, 25 milligrams of cholesterol, and 380 milligrams of sodium.
Hormel Natural Choice Original Uncured Bacon contains no added nitrites or preservatives and comes thickly sliced. The bacon retains this thickness even after cooking. Its flavor is very similar to the Sugardale variety in that it packs a punch in the salty and savory department, though this grab is a bit less meaty than its Sugardale competitor. Am I saying there's little to no meat on this strip? Not at all. Actually, Hormel Natural Choice Uncured Bacon features the perfect balance of both fat and meat and cooked up perfectly crispy, making it a truly delectable option that I believe anyone would enjoy.
Also, though I'm sure this bacon would prove delicious in a salad or sammie, I'd encourage you to enjoy a bacon option of this caliber on its own. All in all, Hormel Natural Choice Uncured Bacon is the ultimate bacon pick, and as such, I'm happy to rank it as my No.1 pick for grocery store bacon.
In order to fairly rank the grocery store bacon brands mentioned in this post, I cooked all bacon strips using the same method. Bacon strips were placed on a baking sheet, heated in an oven at 400 F for 10 minutes (one of the best ways to cook bacon with no mess), and allowed to cool to room temperature before tasting.
Some bacon brands may yield taste and texture differences when prepared differently. Remember that I'm a fan of thicker and chewier bacon slices, however, I did my best to remain as balanced and fair as possible to ensure every bacon brand was assessed fairly. As always, pricing and availability are subject to change.