Why Some Brands Of Cordial Cherry Candies Might Get You Tipsy
When I was growing up and the Christmas season was approaching, I remember a few telltale signs that alerted me that the holidays were officially in full-swing mode. The arrival of the huge Sears holiday catalog — with its pages and pages of advertised toys — was arguably the biggest sign of Christmas. The annual airing of "Rudolph the Red Nosed Reindeer" on CBS (remember when it was only shown one time?!) also meant that Santa was coming soon, as did the appearance of boxes of cordial cherries on grocery store shelves.
My parents weren't in the habit of buying these cloying treats, though it seemed like they were in everyone else's houses, including my grandmother's, and I'd sneak one any chance I got. The orbs of milk chocolate, sugar syrup, and neon red maraschino cherries were absolute sugar bombs, but despite their name, they weren't filled with any alcohol. As it turns out, there are some cordial cherry brands that are made with plenty of punchy liquor and are meant for grown-ups only. Similarly, you can make boozy cherry cordial Jell-O shots. These brands typically soak the cherries in alcohol before encasing them in syrup and chocolate. The soaking liquor might be brandy, bourbon, or kirsch (a type of cherry brandy).
How much alcohol is in cordial cherries?
Because of their relatively small size, cordial cherries that are made using alcohol usually contain a relatively small amount of booze. Depending on the brand, size, how long the cherries were soaked in liqueur, and the alcohol tolerance of the person eating them, these treats have the potential of making the eater feel a bit woozy. Understandably, these treats are usually only sold to individuals who are legally old enough to purchase alcohol. With that being said, you're unlikely to get full-on drunk from these holiday specialties. You're far more likely to get a stomach ache and sore teeth if you're aiming to get buzzed off of them, as the sugar content is much higher than the alcohol content. Of course, if cordial cherries are made sans booze, anyone can buy them. Similarly, you can make cherry cordial Jell-O shots with or without alcohol.
Cherries and booze is a winning combination, which is one of the reasons why spiked cordial cherries are delicious. Another sweet treat to consider if you like these flavors is cherries jubilee, which has a royal origin. This simple yet theatrical dessert is made with fresh cherries that are sautéed with butter and sugar, hit with brandy (the drink of aristocrats and rappers) or whiskey, and ignited before being poured over vanilla ice cream. If you want to give it the cherry cordial treatment, drizzle the dessert with chocolate or opt for a dark, fudgy ice cream.