Why Does Nutritional Yeast Taste Like Cheese?
Nutritional yeast has become increasingly popular, especially in plant based meals as a cheese substitute, since some cheeses aren't actually vegetarian safe. This type of yeast, which has been nicknamed nooch, has a nutty, cheesy flavor with a bright yellow color. From adding it to popcorn to eggs, there's plenty of reasons to buy nutritional yeast, including the fact that it's packed with nutrients. But why does nooch taste so similar to actual cheese?
The answer lies its glutamic acid content, which is an amino acid also found in cheeses like parmesan or aged cheddar. This acid is released after the yeast has been grown in a sugary environment, and then heated and dried to 'deactivate' it. This is what triggers certain acids to surface, like glutamic acid. This is naturally found in foods like cheese, soy sauce, and mushrooms, and is the main contributor to their umami flavor. In fact, MSG (which is finally no longer the bad guy) is made from glutamic acid. The nutty flavor in nooch also comes from the drying process and is reminiscent of certain cheeses like parmesan or gruyere.
Nooch is packed with nutrients
Apart from nutritional yeast being a great plant based cheese substitute in terms of flavor, it's also a great replacement if you're looking for a nutritional boost. Of course, there's nothing wrong with cheese, which is rich in protein, calcium, and vitamin A — but nooch is far more nutrient dense. Just two teaspoons of fortified nutritional yeast contain well over the daily recommended intake amount of certain B vitamins, as well as plenty of trace minerals and protein. Vitamin B12 is vital for DNA production and our nerve function — it's also often an area of deficiency in plant based diets, making nutritional yeast a great addition.
Nooch is also a source of complete plant based protein, which makes up over half of one serving. Plant based proteins can naturally lower blood pressure, cholesterol, and improve overall gut health. Although it tastes salty, this yeast is also sodium free compared to regular cheese, which is great for those looking to lower their sodium intake. If you're unsure when to add nutritional yeast, think of any dishes that would benefit from some cheesy flavor. Sprinkle it on a salad or pasta, stir into soups ,or even add it to bread or pizza dough.