12 Fan-Favorite Costco Bakery Items That Were Discontinued

Having a Costco membership is like having exclusive VIP access at a show or event, especially since the wholesaler started requiring customers to scan their membership cards at the door, but for everyday shopping. Once you scan your card you are given access to the promised land of bulk bags of your favorite snacks, a wide variety of protein options — some of which you should buy and others that you should avoid — massive packs of paper towel and toilet paper that should last the buyer months, and pre-prepared meals that makes life easier on those lazy nights. However, one of the grocer's sections that has some of the most delectable items is Costco's bakery.

If shoppers aren't drawn to that portion of the warehouse by the sight of the mouthwatering baked goods alone then they might be by the inviting aroma that's coming from its ovens. From its cheesecakes to its seasonal pies, and diverse selection of breads, Costco's bakery produces items from scratch on-site daily. After having their senses enveloped, members can't help but grab at least one (or a few, we're not judging) of the baked goods to take home and try. Now, some products they are going to fall in love with and others they'll find just simply aren't worth the price. The real issue is when a bakery item becomes a fan-favorite and then disappears from the shelves, leaving members disappointed and missing their beloved baked goods. Here are bakery items that Costco sadly discontinued and some members are still hoping to make a return.

Large 6-pack Muffins

The most recent and heartbreaking discontinuation happened in late 2024 when Costco decided to replace its six-pack of massive muffins which members were able to mix and match two of for just $9.99. The muffins came in a variety of flavors such as blueberry, chocolate chip, double chocolate chip, and corn, and were a breakfast staple for some customers — including myself. The new muffins — which haven't received the most positive response from members — are smaller and come in an eight-pack that is only one flavor for $6.99. The flavors that shoppers can choose from for these new muffins include blueberries and cream, triple chocolate, lemon raspberry, and cinnamon chip.

Most members who have tried the new muffins are not impressed and have taken to Reddit to share their discontent. In one Reddit thread titled "New Muffins are not good anymore" a reviewer described the new version of the pastry as dry, someone else added that the baked good molds quickly as well. Another Redditor took the time to do a price breakdown and found that the new muffins are actually 58% more expensive. After reading that one customer under the same thread asked if they were justified and got a definitive "hell no" in response. The main issue seems to be that the muffins just aren't the same quality as the beloved ones they are replacing. One shopper on Reddit compared the two and stated that the old ones were "moist and delicious" while the new ones feel like "they've been left out and have a weird aftertaste."

Kirkland Signature Country French Bread

Another discontinued Costco product that we probably won't get back is the Kirkland Signature Country French Bread. Shoppers were able to get two loaves of the bread, which was scored on top with X's and then dusted with flour, for just $5.99. Sadly, Costco removed the freshly baked bread from its stores in the summer of 2024.

Members expressed their disappointment under a Reddit thread titled "Country French bread being discontinued" where a customer shared that an employee at their local Costco in Illinois informed them they wouldn't be carrying the french bread anymore after asking for a freshly made loaf. One disheartened customer talked about how the bread was part of their bi-weekly haul due to it having a nice crust, making good sandwiches, toast, and croutons as well as it being "better than the crap in most of the grocery stores." Another patron called the decision "short sighted on Costco's part," adding that two employees told the member they had received numerous complaints about the decision. The member went on to encourage Costco to rethink its decision, stating that it would not only reflect badly on the brand but also "build distrust."

Half-sheet Cake

The year of 2020 was one that most people would probably like to forget. From the Australian bushfires to the COVID-19 pandemic to the stock market crashing, and the West Coast wildfires, it felt like wherever we turned bad news followed. Unfortunately, Costco added to it when it announced in May of 2020 via a Facebook post that its popular half-sheet cakes were no longer available for order or customization. When questioned as to why under the post a representative for Costco responded saying it was "to help limit personal contact and create more space for social distance," adding that the wholesaler was reducing the service in some of its departments.

Members were disappointed about the discontinuation, one Redditor stated that it was her husband's favorite cake and explained how they would buy one, cut three-quarters of it and then freeze it, adding that it froze and re-thawed very well. There was even a Change.org petition started and signed by almost 2,000 people. However, although saddened most were understanding of the decision. One member on Reddit made the valid point that since people weren't having large gatherings anymore, Costco was most likely throwing away a large amount of its grab and go half-sheet cakes. A bakery manager at a Costco in Canada added in a Reddit thread that they were told that the grocer lost four dollars on every cake and that was why it was switching to the round 10-inch cake that it advertised in the Facebook post where it made the announcement.

All American Chocolate Cake

Adding to salt to the wound that was 2020, Costco didn't just get rid of the half-sheet cakes that year, it also discontinued the very popular and beloved All American Chocolate Cake. The cake was four layers, weighed 7 pounds, and according to a Redditor, "could put you in a chocolate coma."

Under a Reddit thread labeled "Bakery items from the past. Anyone remember?" members reminisced about the All American Chocolate Cake. One customer said that they requested the cake for their birthday every year growing up and that they were sad to hear Costco got rid of it. Another shopper called it "the best cake ever," adding that the stomach ache they would get from eating "its deliciousness" was worth it. In fact, nearly 9,000 people signed a Change.org petition asking for Costco to bring back the dessert or at least offer it as a special order item in its bakery.

Although Costco has yet to bring back the All American Chocolate Cake it attempted to meet members' wishes when it introduced the Mini All American Cakes with Fudge Icing in July of 2021. Shoppers are able to get six of these mini cakes for $8.99. One Redditor who tried the pastry described them as "delicious," adding that they will definitely get them again. However, another member on Reddit simply stated that they are not the same. The writer went on to explain that the cupcakes don't hold up as well as the cake, adding that while the cupcakes are "very good" they are not as "UNBELIEVABLY rich and sweet" as the original cake.

Torta Rolls

A torta is a Mexican sandwich that consists of a fluffy bun that has butter spread on it and is then topped with a variety of things like refried beans, avocado, spicy peppers, and the maker's choosing of meats and cheese. The sandwich is what inspired Costco's torta rolls which were fairly popular until the wholesaler made the decision to get rid of and replace them with Kirkland's Signature Artisan Rolls in 2018.

A Redditor who was upset with the switch called the artisan rolls "far inferior" to the torta rolls which they would use paninis as well as other toasted and cold sandwiches. The writer of the post also described the artisan rolls as tough. Another member commented on the same Reddit thread stating they "loved the torta rolls and was annoyed to find they had switched." However, the commenter noted that they've difference that they've noticed is that the artisan rolls are smaller, partially pre-sliced, and become "rock hard" after a few days due to the bag it's packaged in, they recommended switching the rolls to a gallon bag.

Chocolate Chunk Toasted Walnut Cookies

In 2024 Costco's new chocolate chip cookie arrived in the form of the Double Chocolate Chunk, a cookie that is made with all butter as well as bittersweet and semisweet chocolate chunks. However, cookies, specifically chocolate chip cookies, are nothing new to the wholesaler's bakery. One that was a staple of the section for a short time before it disappeared was the Chocolate Chunk Toasted Walnut Cookie.

At the time one member tried to get answers from bakery employees on Reddit, asking if they knew if the cookies would make a return, they did receive a response but probably not the one they were hoping for. The reply stated, "it's hard for us to give you [an] answer, we usually aren't told when we get an item back, or removed until a few days before, it's a surprise for us just as much as for the members." Unfortunately, the cookie would never return and was officially removed from stores in 2017. A couple years later a Redditor dubbed them the best cookies Costco sold while also stating they "miss them dearly." There was a Change.org petition started and while it didn't receive even 100 signatures, the thought was there.

Roasted Garlic Parmesan Bread

Garlic bread was made popular by Italian immigrants who came to the United States in the late 19th and early 20th centuries and created it as a way to bridge the gap between cultures and appeal to Americans' taste. Typically, garlic bread is made with a baguette or French bread — as that is what was readily available at the time — that then has butter (or olive oil) mixed with garlic, parsley, and salt spread on it and is toasted, sometimes the bread is topped with freshly grated Parmesan cheese. When Costco released its version of the Italian American classic, its Roasted Garlic Parmesan Bread, it became a quick hit with members who snatched it off the shelves. Sadly, about five years ago the grocer removed the savory baked goods from its stores.

Shoppers were extremely upset about the decision. "It's THE BEST bread ever," said one member on Reddit then stating that they had submitted multiple written customer feedback forms asking for its return and encouraging others to do the same. Under the same thread a bakery employee explained how they get daily requests for the bread, adding that it is excellent and telling members to keep submitting comment cards. It does appear that the Kirkland signature made a return for a short time but was once again discontinued at the beginning of 2024. One Redditor talked about how "ecstatic" they were when it returned and were heartbroken to see it leave, adding "I really hope it's not years again til we see it on the shelf."

Half-Iced Shortbread Cookies

Valentine's Day and Mother's Day are typically when people start seeing special sweets pop up in bakeries to give as gifts for their significant others, moms, or other important people in their lives. Costco's bakery was included in that list as for years during those holidays it would make its Half-Iced Shortbread Cookies which were heart-shaped as well as round and half-dipped in chocolate or white icing.

Sadly, members who would buy the delectable cookies as gifts for their special someone noticed that around five years ago they never popped back up when the holidays came around. One shopper took to Reddit looking for answers asking if they had just missed the cookies or if they never made a return that year. A Costco bakery worker from the Midwest responded letting the member know that as far as they knew the shortbread cookies had been replaced with red and pink sugar cookies. "I don't believe they will be continuing the shortbread any time soon," the employee went on to say, adding that labor was the reason for the cookies being discontinued.

Round Croissants

At the end of 2024 a Redditor upgraded their Costco food court hot dog with a quick stop at the bakery replacing the bun with a croissant and creating what they described as flakey and buttery pig in a blanket. However, the croissant used to make this large version of a pig in a blanket is not the original croissant that Costco came out with, those Kirkland croissants were a round shape which made them ideal for sandwich making.

But in 2020, Costco decided to change its croissant recipe which not only changed the taste of the pastry but the shape, as well — the croissants were now straight instead of round. There were positive and negative reactions to the new version of the croissant. One Costco bakery employee dubbed the recipe change an improvement in a Reddit thread, noting that at first they thought the change was unnecessary until they realized that the new ones were a better quality and tastier. The worker cited the fact that the new croissants are 100% butter croissants while the round ones were made with oil and some butter as the reason. Despite that, one member on the thread still commented, "I liked them better when they were round." Another shopper joined in stating, "they were the right shape for sandwiches when they were round. WHY did they change them?" So, whether the recipe is better or not there are still members who miss the original round croissants.

Banana Nut Muffins

Long before Costco made the decision to replace its six-pack of classic muffins with an eight-pack that comes in a variety of new flavors, it got rid of its Banana Nut Muffins which were a member favorite. Although, it's unclear when exactly the wholesaler decided to remove the muffin from its stores, one Redditor on a thread about Costco's original muffins, commented three years ago that they hadn't seen the flavor in years.

Another user chimed in on the same thread stating that, "Costco's banana nut muffins were my FAVORITE. I was so sad when they discontinued it." A different user reminisced about how good the banana nut muffins were, noting that they were as big as their head. One commenter simply stated that they wished Costco would bring the muffins back, a desire it seems that most members share. There are even recipes online that have attempted to recreate the muffins for those who miss them.

Apple Cinnamon Crumb Muffins

Another muffin that was discontinued by Costco before the five classic ones in 2024 was the Apple Cinnamon Crumb Muffins. Customers noticed the disappearance of the baked goods around three years ago.

One member who was desperate for answers turned to Reddit stating "they're the best ones!!!" Then questioning, "Are they just seasonal? Did I go at a bad time? Are they gone forever only to live in my memory??" Unfortunately, for the member and other shoppers the last question was the right one and the muffins would not make a return to stores. After reading the thread and finding out about their discontinuation, another user expressed their regret after seeing "what might have been a thousand boxes of cinnamon apple muffins right by the entry" and failing to pick one up. Although it seems that loyalists of the muffin are not willing to let it be a beloved memory and have attempted to recreate it and posted the recipe to Reddit for others to use.

Cinnamon Coffee Cake Muffins

In fact, it seems that Costco had been planning the rebrand of its muffins in 2024 for a long time as it also got rid of its Cinnamon Coffee Cake Muffins. According to customers on Reddit, the muffins vanished from shelves before the COVID-19 pandemic.

One redditor called the Cinnamon Coffee Cake Muffins their favorite, adding that when they asked the bakery about their absence an employee plainly told them that "they make what headquarters sends." Another member commented under a different Reddit thread that despite the muffins being gone from the bakery section for years their husband still puts them on the Costco list in hopes that one day they'll make a reappearance. Even Costco employees refuse to believe the muffins are gone for good, one worker chimed in under that same thread that their assistant general manager and bakery manager insist the Cinnamon Coffee Cake Muffins are coming back. There was even a Change.org petition started for the muffins, that even though it has less than 200 signatures is keeping the hope somewhat alive.
