The Spices You Need To Make Your Own Pizza-Flavored Potato Chips
Pizza is a popular food in the U.S. and potato chips are, too. Together, they create a crispy, flavorful treat that's more than thin, fried potatoes with oregano dust. Fortunately, the flavor of pizza has been duplicated for many products, and potato chips are no different. Duplicating the snack at home is easy with some basic ingredients.
Start with plain potato chips. Then, gather the right spices to mimic the flavors of a pizza, but in powder form. Those would be garlic powder, salt, parmesan cheese powder, onion powder, Italian seasoning, paprika, and some sugar for sweetness. The problem with achieving the right flavor will be the tomato sauce. Tomato powder exists, but you may have to go online to find it. (There are some grocery stores in more heavily populated areas that may stock tomato powder.) Whatever the source, you can't skip the powdered tomatoes because the only alternative, tomato sauce, will wilt the chips. A fine powder is needed to blend with the other spices and adhere to the chip without compromising the crispiness.
The ingredients are easy to gather, even if you have to wait for the tomato powder shipment. It's the mixture of ingredients that will take some experimentation. Make sure you have plenty of plain chips to practice on. You can begin by taking a cue from other pizza-flavored chip ingredient lists like Pringles. The primary ingredients for those are salt, tomato powder, cheese, and sugar. That's really all you need to make pizza-flavored chips at home.
Some ingredients can be a DIY project
You could also make your own tomato powder at home. You'll need a dehydrator, a blender, and a pile of tomatoes. Use the dehydrator to first dry the tomatoes out completely. They need to be moisture-free because the next step is putting the dry tomatoes into a blender and pulverizing them into a powder. After that, the powder is ready to add to the other spices.
Having the materials for taste testing can be a DIY project too. Consider making your own potato chips so you can have a blank slate for the pizza spice mix to stand on. Freshly made potato chips will allow the seasoning mix flavor to shine through without interference from the extra salt and other additives in store-bought chips. Fry them in a neutral oil for a cleaner chip, then dust on the spice mix and start taste testing. One of the great advantages of making your own pizza-flavored chips is you can ultimately reduce or increase the salt on the final snack according to your taste.