The Unexpected Ingredients That Make Colombian Fruit Salad Unique

Colombians aren't afraid of food combinations that other countries deem weird. You say strange, we say genius. We're known for putting cheese into our hot chocolate (which is absolutely delicious) and topping our hot dogs with pineapple and quail eggs (also delicious). Another unique combination that deserves more attention is dairy in fruit salad.

Colombian fruit salad calls for three unexpected ingredients: shredded cheese, heavy cream, and ice cream. Of course, this fruit salad is meant to be a dessert, and it's different from the fruit salad we have for breakfast or as a healthy snack. Look for it in Colombian towns that experience hot weather. Here, the dish offers a sweet yet refreshing escape from the heat.

Making it is very simple. Chop the fruits that you want to include as you would when making a regular fruit salad and place them in a bowl. Then, pour the heavy cream in and mix it with the fruit so that it's evenly dispersed. Once you're done, add a couple of scoops of ice cream, and top everything with a generous amount of shredded cheese. We usually use a neutral cheese like mozzarella so that it doesn't overpower the other ingredients. As for the ice cream, vanilla is the most common choice, but you can choose whatever flavor fits your taste. If you want to take the sweetness up a notch, you can also add condensed milk, whipped cream, and wafers. This will likely be the most decadent salad you've ever eaten.

Other delicious ways to enjoy Colombian fruit

Colombia has over 430 native species of fruit which is why we say you could eat a different fruit every day of the year (and still have some left over to try). If you're visiting the country, you'll have plenty of ways to get your daily intake of fruit. One of the most popular ways is to drink it. It's very common for Colombians to drink fruit juice with lunch and dinner, and any local restaurant will have fresh fruit juice options. You can also go to local markets to try fruits that are rare in other parts of the world like uchuvas (golden berries), feijoa, curuba, lulo, and tree tomatoes (which are sweet).

Look for salpicón, which is a type of fruit salad that is served in a cup and drowned in orange juice or orange-flavored soda. This is another recipe that you can easily make at home wherever you are. If you want our advice, try it with fresh orange juice — it'll be healthier and less sweet than the one made with soda. We also love a classic strawberries and cream dessert. In its simplest form, it mixes heavy cream with strawberries, but it can also include condensed and evaporated milk. (You can also use whipped cream as a topping.) Finish it all off by adding condensed milk to your red wine, and you have yourself a lovely, sweet feast.
