One Simple Hack Makes Peeling Garlic A Breeze
Peeling garlic doesn't have to be a time-consuming process that leaves a pungent aroma on your hands. There's a simple hack to quickly and easily peel a whole head of garlic (or a couple of cloves) in a few minutes, clean hands guaranteed. All you need is one special appliance: your microwave. When the outer shells of garlic cloves briefly come into contact with heat, a magical process ensues. The shells are softened and moistened, which makes it super easy to peel them off the cloves.
To try this trick at home, cut the tops off a few garlic cloves (with the shells on) and place them in the microwave. If you're peeling a whole head of garlic, cut it in half first before putting it in the microwave to speed up the heating process. Heat single cloves for about four seconds, or a whole head for 10 to 20 seconds. Remove, peel, and get cooking!
Other easy ways to peel garlic
Beyond using your microwave, there are plenty of other quick tricks for peeling garlic cloves. One great option is to use the side of a chef's knife to smash the garlic clove and easily remove the outer skin. This tip works best if you only need to peel a handful of cloves at a time.
If you're trying to peel a whole head of garlic in a flash, there are a couple tried and true methods. First, try soaking the entire bulb in a bowl of warm water for about a minute (or overnight the way restaurants do to peel more garlic than the human body can digest in one go) to soften the shells. Remove the cloves you need from the head, and peel the shells away.
Another fun and functional garlic peeling hack is to use two metal bowls to clean away the outer shells. Take a garlic bulb and use your fingers to break it up into cloves. Put the cloves in one bowl, and cover with the second bowl. Shake the bowls for a few seconds. When you open the bowl, the cloves should be separated from the shells. The peeled allium will be ready for cooking, and you can even use the garlic cloves to make a better sandwich.