Keep Frozen Cookies Fresh For A Year With A Simple Layering Tip

There comes a moment in everyone's life when there are just too many cookies to eat before they go stale. That's about a week or so, depending on the type of cookie. In such times the freezer is the best option, as cookies can last up to a year when frozen in layers after baking.

Yes, cookies can stay fresh for up to a year if properly packed. They must be cooled first. Then, you need airtight containers designed for the freezer. After that, you have two options for layering the cookies. You can individually wrap each in plastic film and stack them in the container. This is the best method to ensure freshness. The other option is to line a container with foil, plastic wrap, or parchment, and then place the cookies in the container in a single layer. Place a sheet of foil or parchment over that layer and add another single layer of cookies on top. Top with another sheet of parchment or foil. Continue this layering until the container is filled or you're out of cookies. For good measure, add a final foil or parchment layer before closing the lid to give that top layer of cookies extra protection. 

That being said, some cookies do not freeze well. Do not try to freeze delicate cookies like meringues or those with fillings. Glazed and frosted cookies also do not hold up well to freezing — storing such foods this way is a mistake.

There are a few more tips to consider before freezing the cookies

Consider adding another layer of protection to your cookies with a plastic freezer bag. Before packing the container, place the individually wrapped cookies in the bag and then put that into an airtight container. You can also layer the cookies between foil and parchment inside a freezer bag before packing that into a container. The multiple layers of protection between the cookies and the freezer air are how you will prevent freezer burn and avoid making a food storage mistake.

Another tip to keep your cookies from smashing between the layers is to freeze them individually before packing them. Place the cooled cookies in a single layer on a baking sheet and pop that into the freezer for half an hour or until they freeze. This will make the cookies stiff enough to pack in the container without losing shape.

You can easily thaw frozen foods like cookies, too. Just take them out of the freezer and set the whole container on the counter for a few hours. The cookies will thaw at room temperature if left alone in the container. Don't make the mistake of removing the cookies too soon, though. Doing so can cause the foil or parchment to stick to the cookies, leading to the added chore of peeling the sheets off. The cookies will loosen from the parchment or foil as they thaw, so wait to save yourself the extra trouble.
