Why Does Canned Meat Last Longer Than Canned Fruit?

It's definitely counterintuitive. Eating a 5-year-old can of ham feels a lot scarier than eating a 5-year-old can of tomatoes. But that canned ham will actually last a lot longer than those tomatoes. Why? Low-acid canned foods, like meat, keep longer than acidic ones. According to the United States Department of Agriculture (USDA), meat and low-acid vegetables maintain their quality for up to five years. As for those tomatoes? They'll only be at peak freshness for about 18 months.

If you've canned food at home, you're probably confused right now. Home-canning low-acid foods is risky since acid helps keep Clostridium botulinum — the deadly bacteria that causes botulism — from growing in canned food. If you want to can low-acid foods at home, you have to use a pressure canner to kill bacteria. Even then, many amateurs avoid low-acid foods entirely. According to the Centers for Disease Control (CDC), low-acid foods are more likely to cause botulism than all other home-canned products in the United States.

Fortunately, though, botulism is quite rare, especially in store-bought foods. According to a 2021 study based on CDC data, there were only 326 confirmed cases of foodborne botulism in the United States between 2001 and 2017. Most came from foods prepared at home, as industrial canneries can better ensure that the canned foods are being adequately heated. 

How long do canned fruits and meats actually last?

When both canned meats and fruits are stored properly, they will be safe to eat for a very long time. However, keep an eye out for warning signs. While cans are pretty durable, rust, corrosion, and extreme temperatures can harm canned goods. Avoid these mistakes when storing canned goods, and toss out anything that's seriously rusted, banged up, or bloated.

But as long as the cans aren't damaged and they have been kept in a cool, dry place, food poisoning isn't a huge risk – it's more that the food will start to taste off. Over time, acidic foods react with the metal lining of the can, which can change the taste. Whether acidic or not, a food's flavor, texture, and nutritional value will all eventually start to deteriorate. So while 3-year-old canned pineapple might not be as tasty or nutritious as a can fresh from the grocery store shelf, it's still probably safe to eat. Even the USDA admits that "best by" and "best before" dates are only there as a marker of quality, not safety. 

So how long will meat or fruit keep once the cans are opened? The USDA's recommendation actually switches. While high-acid foods can last up to seven days in the fridge, low-acid foods should be eaten within four days. And remember, even if they are safe to eat, there are still some canned foods you should avoid at all costs. Chicken from a can might get you through the apocalypse, but it won't be a welcome sight at a dinner party.
