Is There Anything Edible Inside An Avocado Pit?

Avocados are a superfood that many of us find to be a perfect addition to almost any meal. Whether as an oil in the skillet, or added freshly sliced to a salad or grain bowl, avocados are endlessly useful. However, when you think about it, it feels a bit wasteful that only the soft flesh inside the avocado is used. It begs the question: Can you eat the avocado pit too?

The short answer is no, you should not eat avocado pit (or the skin). Although they are technically edible, both the pit and the skin do contain persin, a fungicidal toxin. Research has revealed that persin levels vary in different parts of the fruit including the peel and seed. That said, the levels of persin present in avocado are low enough that you would need to eat a whole lot of it to experience negative effects. The main reason we suggest you avoid eating avocado pits is that they are not easily digestible.

Avocado pits do contain some antioxidants, and the seed husks contain many chemicals that show promise for medicinal use, but the consumption of avocado seeds has not been studied, and may not be safe. Even though you may have seen it on social media, and the user was likely just fine, that doesn't mean that it is actually either safe or healthy (much like storing avocados in water).

The pitfalls of eating avocado pits.

While avocado seeds may or may not be harmful to humans, it's important to know they are absolutely toxic to certain animals. Birds, rabbits, and horses can suffer from consuming them. Fortunately, cats and dogs aren't included, though you should still be cautious to ensure they don't choke on the pit.

As for the avocado skin, it may be as off-putting as the idea of eating kiwi skin is. While it is technically edible, your tastebuds may disagree (it is tough and bitter), and your stomach might too (as it is highly fibrous). That said, avocado skins are sometimes dried, ground, and used as a dietary supplement.

With the United States increasing its avocado imports over the past few years, it's hard not to be tempted to throw a few in your cart. According to the USDA, "From 2000 to 2021, the quantity of avocados available per person, a proxy for consumption, tripled to more than 8 pounds per person." But next time you whip up a batch of silky grilled avocado guacamole, remember to avoid consuming the pit, for your stomach's sake.
