Why Dave Thomas Regretted Naming Wendy's After His Daughter
Dave Thomas was vocal about his regret in naming his groundbreaking hit restaurant Wendy's after his daughter, Melinda "Wendy" Thomas. The restaurant's namesake spoke about this regularly in interviews. In an interview for Wendy's blog, Wendy Thomas revealed that her father finally had the conversation with her. He apologized for the pressure that bearing the name put on her life.
"It was the first time we'd ever had this conversation," Wendy shared in the blog. "He said, 'You know what? I'm sorry.' I asked him what he meant. He explained, 'I should've just named it after myself because it put a lot of pressure on you.' I responded, 'Yeah, it is a lot of pressure. I have to do the right thing.' I have to do the right thing because it's the legacy I have to carry on. I want to do the right thing by him, because he worked really hard to start this. I know he's been gone almost 20 years, but he's still working." Wendy admitted in the interview that there are a few perks to having her name on one of the largest fast-food chains in the world. "The name does have its advantages, though. Sometimes if I need a reservation, it helps!"
Dave Thomas was inspired by the KFC marketing strategy
Wendy's restaurant started in 1969 when Dave Thomas got the idea to create a hamburger restaurant. Wendy is one of his five children with his wife, Lorraine. Dave chose Wendy's name and likeness for the eatery's logo and name. Wendy described getting dressed up for the first photos. "My mom made my blue and white dress, and she stuck my hair up in pigtails," Wendy said in an interview for the Wendy's blog. "And, boy, did I cry. It hurt. Then she stuck those pipe cleaners in there. We sat in front of the photographer for what felt like five or six hours." Dave wanted a name and mascot for his business that evoked nostalgia. He followed the marketing teachings of his former employer, Colonel Sanders. Wendy's name, her pigtails, her freckles, and her dress were perfect for the family dining vibe that Dave was going for.
Had Dave known that his hamburger restaurant would grow as much as it did, he may have chosen a different mascot and name. But would a restaurant have Wendy's success without Wendy? The world will never know.