The Best Way To Scoop Homemade Froyo Like A Pro
If you've never made your own froyo at home, you're missing out. I like making all kinds of frozen desserts any time I get my hands on some good ingredients -– from Disneyland's classic and coveted Dole Whip to a simple vanilla ice cream. But froyo? Now that's a go-to treat for me. I love froyo. It's the perfect mix of creamy, sweet, tangy, and tart and you can customize it to your heart's content by adding berries, chocolate, or caramel drizzle. But if you're making your own froyo, you also need to know the right way to scoop it.
Homemade froyo is notoriously hard to scoop. Why? Because it lacks the egg yolk and cream that give ice cream a little more fat, which make it easier to work with even at colder temperatures. In fact, out of the many standard frozen treats out there (sherbet, sorbet, ice cream and so on) froyo is one of the hardest to scoop. My number one tip: use the right scooping tool. Don't just settle for a spoon and a struggle. Use an actual ice cream scoop, preferably dunked in hot water before use so the heated metal melts through your sweet treat better.
Nail the right scooping technique
Apart from the tool itself, you also want to use the right technique to get a clean scoop of homemade froyo. First, use a scoop with a fairly sharp edge. Press deep into the container of froyo and scoop from the outside toward the center, moving your wrist in a rolling motion to create a smooth ball. You can always go back and add more to your first dollop by packing on extra froyo and using your scoop to shape it. Between scoops, dunk your tool into a bowl of hot water so each and every scoop comes out clean and smooth.
You can make matters even easier by setting your froyo out on the counter for a few minutes before starting to scoop. This softens it just enough to let you get a bigger, smoother scoop with less frustration and effort. By taking a tip or two here and applying it to your own froyo batches, you'll be able to leave the days of bent spoons far behind you to enjoy perfectly Instagrammable scoops of froyo every time.