What Exactly Do The Numbers On Your Nespresso Pods Mean?

Regular old coffee drinkers are closer to becoming professional baristas than ever thanks to at-home coffee equipment like Nespresso machines which allow us to brew instant cups of espresso, cappuccinos, mochas, and more (though you really ought to clean yours). These pods (aka the little cups that hold coffee grounds) come in over two dozen flavor options and usually have a tiny number somewhere between 1-13 on the foil lid. Though people tend to ignore those numbers in favor of reading the pod's flavor description, that little '6' in the corner is an indicator of Nespresso's intensity levels, which will tell you just how bitter that magical cup of coffee is going to be.

The intensity levels are supposed to be Nespresso's quick and simplified way of letting consumers know just what kind of punch that pod is going to pack. It represents the degree of the coffee roast and the strength of its flavor. In other words: The higher the number on the pod, the more intense the coffee. This can be invaluable to a customer who's on the lookout for a sweeter flavor and would be disappointed to take home a pack of pods named "Stormio," not understanding that the level eight intensity means it's going to be strong.

The higher the number on a Nespresso pod, the more intense the coffee

Keep in mind that a higher intensity pod of Nespresso doesn't necessarily mean a higher amount of caffeine, since caffeine measurement is an entirely different set of parameters. Nespresso pods (which do expire) with a six or below intensity rating are described as "not intense" and tend to be sweeter flavors, ones with a lighter roast and a brighter overall profile. Pods rated eight and above are labeled as "intense." With full bodies and dark roasts, these higher numbers are meant for fans of the bold and bitter.

In newer Nespresso Vertuo machines, the Elvazio, Giornio, and Voltesso pods fall into a level four intensity rating, the lightest roasts on the scale (apart from Solelio, which rates as a two). Caramel Cookie, Vanilla Custard Pie, Hazelino Muffin, and Decaffeinato rank as six on the intensity scale. Stormio and Fortado are among the first pods to tip into the "intense" rating, followed by Intenso and Altissio at a level nine and Diavolitto (which literally translates to "Devil" in Italian) rounding out the scale at a level 10. Currently, the strongest flavor in the Vertuo line is Il Caffe, which sits at level 11. Would you stick with the smooth sweetness of a level four Nespresso pod or embrace a bold morning with Diavolitto at level 10?
