How Many Oreos Come In A Pack (So You Can Account For Every Single One)?

Oreos are a popular biscuit all around the world, and rightfully so. The chocolate cookie sandwich filled with a soft fondant is a delight whether you're eating them straight out of the pack or dunking them first. The popularity of these vegan sandwich cookies means there's countless recipes to make like Oreo mug cake or Oreo truffles. Many of these will require a specific number of Oreos, so it's useful to know how many are in a pack. Or you just want to know how many you're eating in a night — we don't judge.

A regular (small) box of original Oreos with one row of cookies should give you around 15 cookies. If you're buying a family pack, these usually contain around 45 cookies, while a party size pack typically contains around 60 cookies. And if you're just buying a single serve pack for yourself, these have 6 cookies each.

Other Oreo variations

Of course, besides the original Oreos, there are plenty of other varieties to choose from. For those of us that love the mini Oreos, these come in two variations: a box of 12 snack packs, each containing 1 ounce of cookies, or a Go-Pak which contains a cup of around 31 mini Oreos. If you're someone who likes more of a crunch, a pack of Oreo thins will give you around 36 cookies. And for the decadent fudge covered Oreos lovers, these come in a 7.9 ounce box with 12 cookies.

Double Stuf Oreos come in a few different sized packs. A regular pack will give you around 30 cookies, but if that's not enough, you can always get a family pack of 40 Oreos. And if you have a lot of mouths to feed, a party size pack with a whopping 52 cookies should do the job. Over the years, Oreo packaging has been changed many times, and the look that we know today only came out in 1995. Although there have been plenty of Oreo variations, the original cookie flavor and filling has remained pretty much the same over the years. And since we all love the OG Oreo, this doesn't come as a surprise. You know the old saying: If it ain't broke, don't fix it.
