What It Means When Your Sourdough Starter Is 'Ripe'
During the pandemic, it was hard not to pick up a hobby to make the time move faster. Some chose running, others tried whipped coffee, but many found sourdough starters helped with hard times — and were delicious. Precision is helpful when it comes to sourdough starters, but it takes practice and a keen eye to find when the sourdough is ripe. In other words, when the sourdough starter has fermented long enough and is active enough for baking.
When a starter is ripe, it has reached the height of its yeast and bacteria curve. In other words, the yeast and bacteria count increases as they become more active and closer to being ripe. A ripe sourdough starter will have bubbles on the sides as well as the top. The mixture will loosen from the container it is in, the starter will have slightly risen, and there will be a sour smell.
However, there are different types of starters. You will observe bubbles if you have a liquid starter (or a one-to-one ratio of water to flour). When mixed, it is both slack against the jar and easily deconstructed. A stiff starter (or a starter with more flour than water) will have a top that caves in slightly and decreases in size. However, once mixed and placed into a jar or container, it should rise in the shape of a dome. Another key way to recognize if a stiff starter is ripe is the texture on the top of the starter. It should have slight cracks and a sour aroma. Once the starter has become ripe, you can add it to the dough, shape your loaf, and let it set in the fridge one last time; then, after about 12 hours, your sourdough is ready to be baked.
How you can turn your sourdough from active to ripe?
The process of getting your sourdough from active to ripe takes days, but the final product of a delicious sourdough is worth the wait. After about 10 days, the sourdough should be separated. This means there is a gray liquid above the starter — this is a good sign. You can either pour that out or mix it back into the starter.
Then, the dough must go through the feeding process. Simply take half a cup of the starter and discard the rest. Feed it with flour and water, then cover it and let it rest for 12 hours. This process will be repeated multiple times, slowly making the starter more active. Once the starter reaches the point where bubbles are reaching the surface very slowly, it has drastically expanded in size and is slightly sagging — you have entered the ripe stage.
If you're making a gluten-free sourdough starter, keep an eye out for bubbles, a sour smell, and, most of all, a puffy texture. When those features are all present in your starter, it is ripe and ready to be mixed into a dough for baking. However, be sure to check the flour brand you're using to confirm there is no risk of accidental gluten contamination. Whether you're gluten-free or not, ripening your sourdough starter is essential for achieving the best results.