Why You Should Start Shopping At More Than One Costco Location

Costco's core concept of large quantities and discounted prices has remained its business model since the beginning and it continues to draw in customers. Of course, everyone has their favorite products they like to brave the crowds and buy on any given day. Add in the delicious free samples, and it's easy to see why Costco has maintained an enormous customer base. While it's easy to find what you need at your favorite (or only) Costco location, it might be time to branch out and shop at more than one store.

Shopping at multiple stores might seem like a hassle, but hear me out. Not all locations are created equal when it comes to product discounts and availability. Depending on where the store is located and how busy it is, management will determine what's needed and where customer savings can be allocated. If they see a higher demand for say, beef back ribs, they'll ensure more are available for customers there which means they might not be as available at other stores.

More tips on smart shopping at Costco

While shopping at multiple stores to find the best products and deals is enticing, this option might not be available for everyone. Luckily, there are other tricks to get the best out of your Costco trip. When you finally get a cart and are on your way, start your journey at the back of the store. It'll get you closer to the best deals in the store, away from the foot traffic up front. On the other hand, the front of the store, near the check-out lanes, tends to have the newest products Costco has to offer. Keep in mind, these items might not be on sale and may not be worth it... for now.

Another tip is to bring a friend or family member to shop with you. Sometimes, it can be daunting to go to Costco with just a few items on your list. But if there's someone to tag along that also needs the same things, it could save you both time and money in the end by splitting the wholesale item. Lord knows some items are big enough to feed an army, so instead of trying to find a spare shelf in your home to store the overstock, ask a loved one to split the price with you. You're both winning in the end!
