Enhance Soups With A Liquid You Normally Toss Out Immediately
The zero-waste movement has inspired people around the globe to live a lifestyle where they use everything including the things others commonly throw away. In a culture that values the disposability of products, it can be a challenge to find ways to reduce waste. But, did you know the pasta water you usually toss out can be reused and can enhance your cooking game?
The liquid that remains after you've finished boiling pasta contains starch which is great for thickening up soups and stews. Starch can also help sourdough and focaccia breads rise and bind together and, if you season your pasta water with salt, it can be used to up the taste level in almost any meal. Pasta broth could come in handy for vegan crock pot dishes like potato pea curry or a fall squash chili.
To bubble up some pasta water simply put a pot on to boil and season it with salt. Stirring frequently will keep your pot from boiling over, avoiding unnecessary cleanup. After the pasta is cooked, strain the water into a container to cool before adding it to your recipes.
Creative ways to reuse leftover pasta water
These days some pasta brands carry varieties that use vegetables or beans to create a gluten-free broth. The different ingredients in the pasta may add color and nutrients to the water, further enhancing its benefits. Leftover water can be used to thicken up your pasta sauces and can replace either water or milk in many recipes, making it ideal to use as a base for creamy dishes. If you want to save your water and use it later, simply freeze it in an ice cube tray to create delicious vegan broth blocks.
All the plant parents will also appreciate that pasta water can be used to add nutrients to vegetation. It's best to cool the water before adding it to a spray bottle and using it to spritz or water your blooms. The nutrients act as a fertilizer for your greenery and can also be a natural insect repellent if you allow it to ferment. The same nutrient-boosting effect can be experienced from using pasta water on your hair as a natural conditioner — it's an eco-friendly way to add some sheen to your tresses. But, if you want to keep things simple, just enjoy exploring a new way to thicken up your favorite soups, while reducing your overall water usage.