The Trader Joe's Chips You Should Open From The Bottom

Opening a fresh bag of crunchy, crispy, well-seasoned potato chips is its own version of nirvana. It's downright delicious when each chip is perfectly sprinkled with your favorite flavors and spices. But often, when you stick your hand in the bag, you'll come across a few chips that are only lightly dusted or completely naked of that highly anticipated seasoning, which is the opposite of what you'd want — or expect. Trader Joe's Ghost Pepper Potato Chips have this notorious flaw.

However, there's a solution for turning plain, bland chips into something that smacks of tasty goodness — without having to return your bag or run to the spice pantry. In the case of Trader Joe's Ghost Pepper Chips, all you need to do is open the bag from the bottom instead of the top. This little magic trick turns your beloved bag of chips into a beautiful bowl of yum.

Open a bag of ghost pepper chips from the end

When you purchase a bag of chips, the leftover salts and spices naturally fall to the bottom of the crinkly, recycled bag. Unfortunately, excess seasonings are a universal challenge among chips and other snack foods. Some brands are better (or worse) than others, but we're not judging. This process occurs after the bags of chips are transferred from their cardboard carriers on the semi-truck and placed right-side up on shelves for consumers to browse and review before placing their final selection in a trademark-red Trader Joe's cart

In this situation, gravity becomes your friend. Give it room to work by flipping your bag of Ghost Pepper Potato Chips upside down. Then, open the bag from the bottom. This simple hack will redistribute the ghost pepper seasonings more evenly among the lattice-shaped potato chips so that each and every bit is salty, sweet, and mouth-on-fire-in-a-good-way spicy. Thank us later. 
