How To Make Cookie Dough From Cake Mix With Just 2 Additions
Would you say you're a bit of a cookie monster? Because I sure am, and the best time of the year (in my humble opinion) has finally arrived. Houses are alive with warm ovens and the scent of sugary baked goods, people are jailbreaking their holiday cookie recipes out of storage for their once-a-year use, and bakers are busy whipping up batches of the perfect chocolate chip cookie to leave for Santa. But you know what else winter brings? Its obnoxious second cousin, seasonal depression.
In the midst of these dark, gloomy, frigid days, many of us — myself included — struggle just to slog outside in the morning, let alone jingle our merry way to the kitchen to bake. That's why these three-ingredient cookies are such a lifesaver. That's right: actual delicious warm cookies with just three ingredients, and ones that you can make in fifteen or so minutes, to boot.
To make these easy cookies, you just need your cake mix of choice, two eggs, and half a cup of vegetable oil. Dump your cake mix into a bowl, crack in your eggs, splash the vegetable oil in, and mix it all together. Shape your cookie dough into balls, set them on an ungreased baking tray and bake them at 375 degrees Fahrenheit for 6 to 10 minutes. That's all there is to it!
Tips for the most divine cake mix cookies
First, I've gotta say that "divine" is pretty subjective when it comes to cookies. Everyone's got their opinion on what makes a cookie recipe good. I'd personally scarf down a cake-y or fudge-y one in a hot second, but could take or leave a crispy one. As the name implies, cake mix cookies are catered more toward my crowd, so crunchy cookie enjoyers might not love this one. I'd suggest giving them a try at least once, though–and here are a few tips to really knock it out of the park with your cake mix cookie dough to get you started.
If you prefer an ooey-gooey texture to your cookies, err on a lower bake time. If you want a traditional spongey cake-like texture, wait the full 10 minutes. Just take a peek at around 8 minutes so you don't burn your cookies. Crunch isn't really possible for the cookie itself, but it's easy to add texture by sprinkling candied nuts or crushed peppermints atop your cookies halfway through the bake time. You can also chill your cookie dough in advance, which controls the spread and gives you a tall and chewy end result. The best part of cake mix cookies is the wild level of customizability, so don't be afraid to grab whatever box mix catches your eye and do some holiday experimenting of your own.