How To Open Those Pesky Bags Of Bagels From Costco

Whether it's the arrival of a big ol' honkin chocolate chip cookie or the $1.50 hot dogs sold in its food court, most of us don't need more reasons to head to Costco. But the bagels in the warehouse chain's bakery department should be added to that list. The only caveat is they're not the simplest bags of bagels to open. 

Costco makes a good portion of its bakery items from scratch, and like most grocers, it sells its bagels in a plastic sleeve that's twisted and tied off at the top. However, instead of using the typical color-coded twist tie you find on most bread loafs, Costco uses something called an Inno-seal. The seal comes already attached to the bagel bag and has to be taken off and put back on a little differently than the usual ties. The Inno-seal is a combination of tape and paper which makes it more evident if the product has been tampered with. 

That may sound like an intricate way to package and sell bagels, but opening the pesky bag is simple once you get the hang of it. And if you feel ridiculous for not being able to open and reseal the bag properly, don't you fret. People have been complaining about this online for years. Here's how to open Costco's bagels like a pro without ruining the whole sleeve of bread.  

The simple steps for opening up Costco's bagels

To open Costco's tricky bagel bags, you'll need to grab both ends of the Inno-seal tape, twist, and pull them apart. Once the two ends come apart, it opens the bagel bag, and the tape can be completely removed from the plastic wrap. But, wait! Don't toss out that little strip of tape. The Inno-seal can be reapplied to the bagel bag by twisting the end of the bag and pressing the twisted part onto the center of the Inno-seal tape. From there, just pinch the two ends of the tape together so they stick. This will keep the bag sealed just like before.

I've been personally victimized by this Inno-seal, so I won't judge you if you decide to toss it and simply store the bagels a different way. My go-to move is to throw out the twist tie (Inno-seal or not) and instead twist the plastic sleeve into a knot on its own. This may not be the most ideal method for freshness, but it gets the job done.

Costco has changed the packaging for a few of its popular products in the past. The somewhat iconic rotisserie chicken changed packaging from a large plastic container to a carrying bag as part of Costco's efforts to be more environmentally friendly. More recently, people noticed a sly change in packaging that occurred with a popular seasonal treat — the peppermint bark.

All of this to say, while it's not impossible to open a bag of bagels from Costco, it certainly isn't easy. Let's hope Costco finds a more convenient way to keep its bagels fresh.
