Why Creamy Ingredients Are The Fix For An Over-Salted Dish
If you've ever put pot-to-stove and ignited the burner, you're likely acquainted with the gaffe of oversalting your dish. We've probably all done it at one point or another, especially if you cook for family and friends. I'm still hoping mine have forgiven me for the time I took being "worth my weight in salt" as a cook too literally and placed it in the stew.
So what can you do to rescue your hard work from going to waste? Equally important, how do you spare yourself the embarrassment of watching someone put on a brave face as they wade through the food you've prepared for them? The solution is to grab a creamy ingredient. It's both genius and easy to execute.
Creamy additions like sour cream, yogurt, or heavy cream can be lifesavers when it comes to balancing out excess salt. They're the perfect conduits because of their natural fat content. The fat coats the palate and mellows strong flavors, creating a more harmonious taste.
Another pleasant consequence of using creamy ingredients to offset saltiness is the velvety texture that comes along for the ride. This effect is lovely in soups, sauces, and casseroles, where an extra bit of creaminess can transform the dish from overly salty to deliciously indulgent.
How to use creamy ingredients to save salty dishes
Once you've finished creating your dish, taste it. If you had to purse your lips a bit too much, start by adding a small amount of a creamy ingredient to test it out. For soups and sauces, a dollop or two of heavy cream or sour cream can quickly balance the flavor.
Mixing some cream cheese or ricotta can help distribute the salt more evenly while adding a touch of richness to a casserole or pasta dish. For those who prefer, there are dairy-free options as well. Coconut milk is a versatile alternative that brings creaminess and a subtle sweetness, which can further mask the salt.
You can also blend soaked cashews into a thick, creamy base, which works well in vegan recipes. With these adjustments, you can save your dish and reputation, turning a near disaster into a delicious meal worth bragging about.