The Simple Favor You Should Always Ask Your Fishmonger To Do

When it comes to seafood, there's no denying that fresh is always best. But there's a task that often gets overlooked when buying said fresh seafood: descaling the fish. While it might seem like a small favor, asking your fishmonger to descale your fish can save you time, effort, and a total headache if you're ready to face your fears and grill up that fish whole.

Scales are notorious for being stubborn, which can turn a simple recipe into a laborious task that completely sucks the joy out of cooking. Not to mention, unless you have a special tool for descaling the fish, you'll most likely have to use a spoon, which can tear up the flesh and make it harder to cook. Asking your fishmonger to prep your fish (clipping the fins in addition to descaling and gutting) means you can focus on frying or grilling up dinner without all that unnecessary fuss. 

Why descaling is more than just for looks

Descaling isn't just about making the fish look more appetizing, it actually changes its flavor and texture. Flavor-wise, scales create a barrier between marinades and seasonings, so your descaled fish can soak up all those delicious flavors better. Descaling also uncovers the skin of the fish for cooking, which is arguably the best way to grill salmon. Plus, without the rough texture of scales, chewing your dinner will be, well, just more enjoyable.

So, the next time you're selecting a fresh catch, remember to ask your fishmonger to descale your fish. It's one simple favor that can bring more flavor to your fish, keep your kitchen counters clean, and make cooking a whole lot easier. Just remember that, while the fishmonger is happy to do some simple favors for you, don't get carried away. Descaling is fine, but asking for only part of the fish is a no-no. But hey, we think buying a whole fish is better anyway.
