Not To Complain, But Why Does Five Guys Give Customers So Many Fries?

One of the distinguishing features of a classic Five Guys' burger and fries is, well, the fries. Specifically, the avalanche of them you get with an order of any size. The reason Five Guys overloads its bags with french fries has to do with ensuring customer satisfaction.

Chad Murrell, one of the five sons of Five Guys founder, Jerry Murrell, told Food Republic that the generous portioning is meant to make sure that nobody leaves the restaurant wishing they had more fries. "I won't name names, but other restaurants just don't give a satisfying amount of fries. We always give an extra scoop. I say load 'em up and make sure they get their money's worth."

That drive to give customers great value for money means that the Five Guys' small is not exactly small. The restaurant estimates that a small portion feeds one to two people, a medium feeds three to four, and a large feeds four to six — light years beyond the USDA's unrealistic idea that one serving should be just 12 fries. While it may seem catch-free, all that excess does come at a cost, though.

Five Guys' big portions feed into the price

As satisfying as a mountain of Five Guys' fries can be, the extra quantities are not actually a bonus. The large portion is meant to feel like a freebie, according to a former employee on Reddit, but is actually reflected in a higher overall purchase price. A large portion of fries from McDonald's is not going to feed six people, but it doesn't cost $8 either.

The gargantuan portions wouldn't be so popular if the fries weren't so delicious though, and this starts with the potato. Five Guys' fries are made with either Burbank or Norkotah potatoes. Russet potatoes like these are the best choice for making french fries. They usually come out perfectly crispy due to the russets' high starch and low moisture content.

The good news about Five Guys' abundant portions is that if you don't finish the bounty with your burger and milkshake, you can reuse leftover fries in other potato-based dishes. Try turning them into an easy mash or a quick french fry frittata.

Static Media owns and operates both Food Republic and The Takeout.
