Kamala Harris' Hack For Eating In The Car Is Both Genius And Relatable

Kamala Harris is arguably one of the most famous people in the world, as she became the first woman Vice President of the United States in 2020. She's no stranger to campaigning, and as such, no stranger to eating on the road (presumably in a hurry). In April 2024, she chatted with Drew Barrymore and shared with the audience her super down-to-earth hack for not making a mess while consuming lunch in a car.

Her solution? Making a hole in the bottom of a garbage bag before getting into the car, sticking your head through it, and wearing it like a poncho — or a "really great, massive bib," as Harris herself said on The Drew Barrymore Show. While undeniably funny to visualize, it's also a really clever way to keep spills and stains away from your clothes if you're trying to get a snack in prior to a big meeting at work — or before addressing a crowd of thousands.

Other tips for eating in your car mess-free

You might not want to wear a garbage bag if, say, your parking lot has a lot of foot traffic. Luckily, there are plenty of other tips for enjoying a mess-free lunch in your car, including keeping an apron on hand. It's a little bit more inconspicuous, but it will also protect your clothes from anything that drips.

One of the major drawbacks of chomping down in a parked vehicle is the lack of easy-to-reach flat space. Luckily, there are car tables that either snap onto your steering wheel or come with a bendy arm attached to a gripper, so you can clip the little side table to something. You can also just use a small sheet pan on your lap (they're so cheap at dollar stores) or try this viral fast food hack for eating in your car.

Eating fast food in your car can be great, but the dips are notoriously difficult to keep a hold of when you're also hanging onto a burger, so consider investing in little condiment holders. These can come in handy if you've dropped sauce on yourself (and your nice outfit) one too many times, and they clip onto your car's air vents. However you eat in your car, though, please don't eat and drive.
