The Spicy Condiment You Need For Amped Up Breakfast Burritos

Burritos are a staple of northern Mexican and Tex-Mex cuisine. You simply can't beat meats, vegetables, beans, rice, and sauces wrapped in a tortilla to make a bomb of contrasting flavors and textures. Somewhere down the line, someone had the genius idea of making breakfast burritos using ingredients normally associated with the first meal of the day like avocados, bacon, and eggs. If you have a long day ahead and need a hearty, nutritious meal that will keep you full for a while, a breakfast burrito will never disappoint. For an even better experience, add some gochujang.

A spicy red pepper paste, gojuchang is a staple of the Korean diet. If you go out to eat at a Korean restaurant, chances are that you'll see it on the table or taste it in one of the dishes that you order. The paste's main ingredients are red chili peppers, rice, and fermented soy beans, a combination that is spicy, sweet, and smoky at the same time. Having it in your pantry allows you to not only make delicious Korean dishes, but also to add a little something special to your favorite go-to meals. Since the paste goes well with pretty much anything, you wouldn't be the first person that ends up using it for breakfast, lunch, and dinner.

How to use gochujang on a breakfast burrito

Versatility is gochujang's strongest quality, so there are many fun ways to incorporate it into your breakfast burrito. One of the easiest and most delicious is to spread the paste on your bacon as you fry it. Rather than coming out too spicy, this gojuchang bacon recipe is sweet and has a hint of smokiness, proving that the paste and any kind of meat are a match made in heaven. Once the bacon is done, you can put the strips in your burrito, or cut them into bits. Similarly, you can add a bit of gojuchang to eggs, whether they're fried or scrambled, before wrapping them up.

Get even more creative by inserting this delicious condiment into other burrito recipes. You could, for example, add it to a deep-fried burrito to get spice in the crunch. In any recipe, it's possible to use as little or as much as you want, though we highly encourage you to use it both to amp up the burrito ingredients and as a dipping sauce. And because gochujang is vegan and gluten free, it can elevate breakfast burritos that might not have other staple ingredients like eggs or flour tortillas. It's difficult to mess up with gojuchang, so go ahead and experiment with it to start your day with a kick.
