Your Craft Drawer May Have The Answer For Easily Decorating Cakes

Everyone has a junk drawer at home, and while some items may seem like mere clutter, others can become your secret weapon in the kitchen. A piece of fabric or a sleeve of lace, often overlooked, can actually elevate your baking game. By using lace to create elegant designs, and dusting powdered sugar over it, you reveal a stunning pattern that transforms a simple cake into a showstopper, leaving your guests marveling and ready to snap a few photos.

This technique is as straightforward as preparing a boxed cake mix, if not easier. You can use powdered sugar, matcha powder, cacao powder, or a blend of spices like cinnamon and confectioners' sugar to create a custom blend. This mix adds a sophisticated touch to cakes with white or cream-colored frosting, making the lace design stand out on any bare, or frosted cake. It's a simple yet effective way to make your baking look and taste extraordinary.

An easy and chic method

Whether you're working with a dump cake or a store-bought one, adding lace detailing can elevate any simple treat. First, ensure the cake is completely cooled and if you've added frosting, confirm it is flattened and dry before adding the detailing. A key word of advice — if your lace doily was found nestled in the back of your craft drawer between some old Play-Doh and a few paperclips, you may want to run it in the washing machine and iron it to ensure it's clean and smooth. Then, place the lace gently on the cake until it is lying flat against its surface to preserve the pattern when the powdered sugar is added.

Once you have the lace in the ideal spot, place your powdered sugar, or chosen blend, into a sieve or strainer. Dust the powder evenly over the lace and when it is settled, lift the lace and admire the amazing pattern you've created.

If you're unsure about the lace pattern, do a test run on a clean surface like a counter or cutting board. This way, you can preview the design before committing to the pattern on your cake. If lace isn't your style, get creative with paper cutouts. Place shapes on the cake and dust with powdered sugar for a personal touch and an artistic flair. There's no reason not to revisit your junk drawer and rediscover new uses for materials you might have forgotten. So go ahead and have fun experimenting with your new find, and give the lace detailing hack a try.
