The Key To Microwaving Hot Dogs To Perfection

Dressing a hot dog is a topic of debate from coast to coast, but not many talk about the best way to cook up a good frank. Sure, fresh off the grill is probably the ideal method, but it's not always convenient or accessible. Thanks to modern technology, though, a quick zap in the microwave can yield a solid dog — but only when done right. The secret to success is making sure you wrap the hot dog in a paper towel and place it on a microwave-safe dish. The paper towel is key; it locks in moisture so the hot dog doesn't dry out while heating up.


There are many reasons to use this method. Maybe there's no time to wait for a pot of water to boil, or you don't want to preheat an oven in the middle of a summer heatwave. Whatever the reason might be, cooking up delicious hot dogs in less than a couple minutes is easy when you follow the right steps. With your dogs cooked and cooled down, you'll have plenty of time to get back to more important matters, like whether you want to enjoy a Chicago-style hot dog or cut each hot dog into a cute little octopus shape.

How to microwave a hot dog

Microwaving a hot dog might seem as simple as placing the sausage on a microwave-safe plate, closing the door, and hitting a few buttons, but that's a surefire way to end up with a subpar meal. It's also best to heat the hot dog in increments rather than just hitting a button and walking away. Microwave in 40 or 50 second intervals and check on it in between to see if it's heated all the way through. This allows you a significant amount of control, and the ability to pinpoint the moment your hot dog has reached the perfect level of doneness.


If you're cooking more than one wiener at a time in the microwave, be sure to wrap each one in a paper towel. You should also increase the heating time by a few seconds depending on how many are in the microwave at once. Once the hot dogs are fully warmed, take caution pulling them out. Since the paper towel helps lock in moisture, there will likely be steam coming off it that could deliver a serious burn.

Ballpark frank aficionados might cringe at the thought of this process. But if you're mindful of these steps, you'll end up with a hot dog just as juicy and cooked-through as ones made with more traditional methods. Plus, your landlord is less likely to scold you for using the microwave than for having a full-blown grill on your balcony.


