Of Course Martha Stewart's Favorite Pizza Topping Is Bougie

Before Chip and Joanna Gaines and the Barefoot Contessa, Martha Stewart was setting the standard for elegant home, garden, and entertaining advice. Part of her long-standing appeal has been that everything she touches comes out beautiful and seemingly perfect. The word "plain" just doesn't seem to exist on Planet Martha, where the gift boxes are wrapped in vintage linen and the pizzas are topped with creamy mozzarella cheese, ricotta, and of all things, petits pois.

That's right, when it comes to her favorite pizza toppings, Stewart is very specific, and has no interest in a deep dish or meat lover's pie. While some neutral cheeses and a readily available veggie are hardly fancy, it's the elegant simplicity of her choice of peas that is a bit bougie and oh-so-Martha. Judging from a photo of her ideal pizza that she posted on Instagram (which also includes thin slices of prosciutto), the pie is a beauty to behold and would look great on virtually any table decor, preferably a piece adorned with Stewart-inspired touches of greenery, leather, and potted herbs.

Not just any peas

Ricotta and mozzarella cheese top many-a-pizza, and while peas are a bit unusual, it's really the type of pea that Martha Stewart reaches for that makes her pizza pie stand out as swanky. Petits pois are a specific variety of pea, one that produces legumes that are smaller and sweeter than most garden peas. Fresh petits pois can be difficult to find, but leave it to Stewart to either grow them herself or know exactly how to get them. For everyone else (and possibly for Martha when they're not in season), look for frozen baby peas.

On her website, Stewart has several pizza recipes listed and, not surprisingly, most of them are rather on the simple yet special side (in other words, kind of bougie). For example, one recipe for pizza bianca calls for three types of cheeses and fresh, peppery arugula; another is topped with fresh figs, honey, and thyme; and a breakfast pizza gets a schmear of herb garden pesto sauce and a sunny-side up egg. Indeed, Stewart's pizza recipes could easily join the ranks of things like designer coffee, avocado toast on artisan sourdough, and rosé wine — at least in current society's perspective of modern indulgences.

The bougie diet of Martha Stewart

Martha Stewart has built an empire when it comes to lifestyle. Sure, she did time in the slammer, but despite this, she came out on top and continues to be extremely successful. She really can be as bougie as she wants when it comes to pizza or anything else. And she sure is. In 2021, Stewart filmed a segment for Harper's Bazaar detailing what she likes to eat in a day. Upon rising no later than 6:15 in the morning, she makes herself a glass of fresh green juice with plenty of greens from her garden and greenhouse, plus ginger and pineapple. Later in the morning she makes a cappuccino in her fancy espresso machine with organic milk. For lunch, she likes tuna fish salad made with Italian tuna, apple, celery, shallot, lemon juice, and mayo.

A lovely dinner is a roasted organic chicken that's been slathered in European butter and fresh black truffles "if you have any lying around," she mentions (as I guffaw). Roast chicken also happens to make an appearance on the menu of her Las Vegas-based restaurant, The Bedford. Garden string beans and turnips plus a simple salad featuring frisée greens from her greenhouse complete the meal. Her ideal cocktail is good (translation: expensive) vodka over ice with a thick slice of orange also grown in her greenhouse. Stewart's pizza and food preferences may not be relatable or attainable for many, but they sure are entertaining.
